Diablo 2 patch history
Today I had notcing better to do, so I took a look on the Most Bugged Game After Constant Patching in History, namely Diablo 2. It curently still has ca. 200 bug PLUS the balance-issues (including unusable skills), but let's take a look how professional the game was when released, how much care Blizzard releases its products! I'll look through all official patch-release datas, and highlight (and comment) all the really scary parts. Let's start with 1.01 naturaly: When looking through all the details it is clear the game was not tested by professional testers, but that1s one thing. Here's the scary part: "Fixed a crash bug that very rarely occurred when a Sorceress cast the Meteor spell. " - this means if you used that skill, you were screwed. " Sand Leaper corpses no longer prevent players from moving through a tight pass in the Act II desert. " - how the heck could this even happen? Aren't all the same things handled the same way??? ...