Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Solo Poverty

This version differs from the Trinity Installation in that sense, it does not have the removed exp-cap for BG1. So you'll spend less time in BG1, and will have more limited resources to work with.
This post is about running all three games, not including Siege of Dragoncrap, because Beamdog's writing is so pathetic, we refuse to even touvh it.
So it's all about BG1, BG 2 and ToB.

The rules:
- solo means not having any party-NPC, and if one is unavoidable to join, you must dismiss it immediately.
- poverty means no use of any items, with the following moderations:
a) quest items are to be used for the intended quest-puproses
b) gold can be accumlated indiscrimantely, because you'll need gold as quest item in a lot of cases
c) non-quest items should not even picked up
d) non-quest items can be sold. You are allowed to accumlate gold (it is even a necessity), so you don't just have to drop whatever non-quest items you get in your backpack. Usualy as quest-rewards.
e) items that so absolutely nothing (decorative jewelrey, non-magical boots and girdle) can be worn, as they effect absolutely nothing. Watch out, non.magical helmets can provide you defense against critical hits, thus they are not allowed to be worn!
- to speed up the gameplay, you are  allowed to heal in temples using your money. You are not allowed though to buy other spells (Remove Curse, Restoration)
- you ARE allowed to reload.

What classes can attempt this challenge?
Not many. Here is why:
- mages need scrolls to have casting ability, so no.
- warrior classes can only deal (lethal) damage with a weapon, which are items, thus no
- paladin, ranger, bard and such mixed classes can not, as they don't start with magic, so it's the same as for warriors
- divine casters are too weak in themselves, and thieves are way too limited with their taps (good luck saving the dukes in BG1 with pure thief). Combining the two actualy can bring you all the way to The Ravager (final seal-challenge of the Pocket Dimension in ToB), but they are than cancelled. Well, in theory you go for some very lucky rolls, but that's like a 1:200 chance to pull odd. The problem is, The Ravager does not move around, and you get a big nerf when entering. There's no Simulacrum either to send in to set traps. So your only "chance" is go walk in under some meatshield cover, punch critical on the Ravager with Harm, which then should bypass it's 90% magic resistence, THEN hit it again once more. Pulling out a successful Hram has the chance of 1:200 (1:20 for a critical hit, 1:10 to bypass the magic resistance). And I'm not sure the thing is not immun to the effect of Harm (it isn't).
- monk could be a surprise candidate - don't even try. Monk is a 100% melee character, so can not, absolutely can not pass Spellhold. One of the rooms there is where from a bunch of pillars goblins shoot at you, and to progress the game you must eliminate all of them. This can not be achieved without ranged capability. So don't even try.
- the only remaining candidate is the sorcerer/ss. Or Dragon Disciple, which is a defense-oriented kit for the sorcerer/ss. This means it gets a bunch of AC and resistence, but losses some firepower (can shoot 1 less magic per sleep from all magic level). Poverty has a hugh need of offensive capability, so probably the sorcerer/ss is more optimal for the challange. But on the long run, it probably doesn't matter.

Pros and cons for possible classes:
- Sun Soul Monk is straightforward, and becomes suprisingly capable, with the right difficulty-settings. I mean you'll need to constantly lower that. There isn't much variety, but is capable to hit everything, and its damage-output is fast.
- druid/fighter: can invest into Greater Elemental Summonning HLA, which not only guarantees summoning an elemental prince, but has a chance to summon the earth and fire one simulatneously! This also has Iron Skin. the fighter-subclass offers a bit of extra HP, but the main reason is to pick up Critical Strike to eliminate the thac0-roll for Harm. Also offers Greater Whirlwind, which combined with Earth Elemental Form is surprisingly effective still. Your problem will be no access to Restoration, and puny stats, so prepare to reload when fightning leveldraining things.
Poverty Fighter/Druids are frustratingly limited in what they can do, especialy until you get to HLA-.levels! AND they are slow!
- cleric/fighter, cleric/thief: the fighter class offers the same as for druids, obviously GWW will be limited usefulness, lacking any buffed form. Thief offers traps. The cleric-side offers faster and more varied spells, starting with Spiritual Hammer, which bridges the gap between Sillelagh and slvl 7 summons.
They suffer similar problems as druid/fighters, plus they are limited to 1 elemental prince (on a percentage), plus no iron skin, so they might find trouble at places, like against Blathazar.
- sorcerer: barely differs from a regular solo playthrough with this class.
- dragon disciple: it "starts" with that breath-ability, and offers some extra defense-stats. The problem is, you rely more on spell-slots than those other things, which eventualy become pretty useless, so my guess is, this is a weaker choice than vanilla sorcerer/ess (the real problems arise pretty late: abazigail, The Ravager, the Fallen Solar, or just storing spell slots for wish-healing during any phase of Amelyssan).

Character stats:

So, what stat you'll need?
Strength: there are a bunch of quests you'll need to carry around pretty heavy items, namely human bodies on the far end. So probably it's not a good idea to frop this to 3.
Dexterity: your best offensive stuffs (Mlef's Minute Meteor, Energy Blades) depend on your dexterity, so the more the better.
Constituion: while sorcerer/ss don't get HP-bonus from this, it still worth keeping high, because with Draw Upon Holy Might baalspawn-ability you can fullheal during sleep without spending resources. And with bonuses you can reach natural 20 CON, maybe.
Inteligence: dumpstat. You don't gain spellslots like wizards from it, and won't melee mindflayers either. And even if you do, 6 in this can be just enough, 11 if you have points to spare for the reason.
Wisdom: high wisdom is necessary for Wish (and Limited Wish). If you play some druid/cleric multiclass, it is again beneficial.
Charisma: dumpstat, though some minor things, including getting certain short and easy quests in BG1 might depend on this. But if you get a quest, the exp-reward will always be the same, only the monetary reward might depend on this, so who cares in the end. Plenty of exp in the pool.

You can be human, helf-elf and elf. The non-humans are always better if not dualclassing. The elf gains a DEX (which is good), but looses a CON (which can make it problematic to reach 20 CON, if you have that goal), also in EE nonhumans gain insanely helpful resistances to conditions, so there's no reason not to pick those aside masochism.


Male. The reason is, if you are female, you'll loose on some early exp/reputation.

To have a familiar or not to have a familiar:

Familiars can be very good, or negligable. Under EE the "everyone can have a fmailiar" exploit does not work!
One advantage of the familiar against the need to spend a spell slot on a spell you only cast once is, they give you extra HP, extra attack, extra target for the enemy, potential abilities, and they can cause lethal damage, which you can not.
Still, with peak micro-management, you don't necessarily have to have one. Still pretty convenient early game. You also don't need too many slvl 1 spells, so you can afford this one-use (two-use, because EE takes away your fmailiar when importing to BG2) spell.

Most Familiar-abilities are highly negligable too. Sure, it's good to cast the occasional Sleep and Invisibility 10' radius, but then what? Or the ones with thief abilities: sound good, but do you really weant to rely on 20% Hide in Shadows (30% in ToB)? You'll also not need Pick Pocket at all. And immunity to conditions? With that HP? No, thanks.

So what are the useful familiars?
- True Neutral: The Cat: 66-99% hide in shadows make it an extremly useful scout, preventing zounds of reloads. Might also be able to run away from danger. Can backstab (with *2 multiplier) if needed.
- Lawful Evil: The Imp: this can spare you learning Polymorph Self - Ooze Form is just that strong of an ability, and might be the thing you want to rely on in a key fight.

Key fights in BG1:
There are multiple instances you might want to know more about the fights, I'll give you that, but here I'll only mention the strategy to pass doors here works (unlike under the Trinity Installation), because the enemy won't multiply by a bug for both side of the door.
Most fights can also be bypassed if you have any source of invisibility (Find Familiar: Fairy Dragon, Invisibility (slvl2), Invisibility 10' radius (slvl3)). Still will mention Battle Horrors, which have too high AC, so unlike a Mustard Jelly you won't be able to simply use Melf's Minute Meteors to deal with it. If you ever need to fight one, try Magic Missiles, and/or Skull Traps (both are raw magical spell damage, not missile damage like MMM).
The two biggest unavoidable fight you have to evidently worry about is Sarevok and the Ducal Palace.
Well, the Bandit Camp too if you'd try "the other options" - under EE at least, you can't single out the archers, so you'll die there if you picked like a warrior class, and defeated things with Evil Bhaalspan Abilities one-by-one.

Sarevok is simply too big, and under EE you won't have slvl 5 spells to work with.
One option is to simply cast Skull Traps right before the podium, exit the Baal Temple, sleep, go back, cast again, activate the fight, victory. The problem here are the randomly spawning and flying bats, which make this whole thing very-very unreliable and frustrating and time-consuming, even if you get lucky with the spawning, and shoot down suspicious activity of bats with MMM.
A far more reliable method involves some method of Invisibility.

Method A:
- have an imp familiar. Cast invisibility on it. Make it shapeshift on the Sigil of Baal. Activate the battle. Cast Invisibility on yourself (will be done casting before they reach you). Make the Imp walk on the skull trap traps in mustard jelly form until Sarevok is finshed.

Method B:
- don't have an imp familiar, but be able to cast Invisibility and Polymorph Self on yourself. Do Method A by yourself.

Method C:
- leanr these three spells: Invisibility 10' radius, Polymorph Self, Summon Spider. The core difference is, your invisibility here comes from a slvl 3 slot instead of slvl 2. The casting-time is horrbile, that's why you need a summon (any summon to be honest) to activate the fight and lure Sarevok on the Sigil.
Cast invisibility on yourself (NOT let the spider be effected!), polymorph to jelly, make the spider activate the battel, wait until the flames go down, start walking on the traps. Beware, do not let the spider teleport around!
For other classes aside sorcerer/DD you'll need to exploit certain mechanics and rules. You either have to scae-scum hiding behind pillars after every attack and going stealth (monk), or use the lightning traps - either by casting Protection from Lightning, or stepping on them, and walk all the way to a medical center to get healed.

The Ducal Palace is pretty terrible, and on difficulty above Core one of the two options might not be available, I did not test it.

Method A:

Cast Web, and hope it'll stuck down most of the doppelgangers. That1s pretty much it.
My problem with this is, Web is a slvl 2 spell, and though I can find space for it if I have to, I don't want to if I can avoid it, as this spell will become obsolate later (like in BG2, and especialy ToB).

Method B:

Summon an army of Spiders, and help out with Magic Missile and Melf's Minute Meteor. Unfortunately any defensive approach (like Otilkjue's Resilient Sphere) counts as agression towards the dukes :(
With a good positioning and a bit of luck (1-2 reload might be necessary) this method also can reach success. Validity on Insane/Legacy of Baal difficuly is not guarenteed, because I did not test those.
Method B for cleric/druid multiclasses:
Cast Farsight, and position 4 Nymph in the four corner. They'll automaticaly cast Hold Person on the doppelgangers (aim the psells manualy after the first round). That'll be deceisive. the guards will take care of the rest, of course you yourself can help out too either attacking the held, or drawing attention and running around.
Monks have no summons, so after getting hurt, just rely on running around, also the basic sun-ability is like instantaneous casting, thus can divert the attention of more creatures. If you have problem getting through the crowd, just lower the difficulty to Normal.

BG1 spells for sorcerer/ess/DD:
Sure, you get more spell slots than you need for BG1, but what are the spells you want to have, which'll prove useful later too?

slvl 1:
1) Find Familiar: see above
2) Magic Missile: good raw damage spell, which scales well too.
3) Identify: well, it depends how lenient you are with the rules. The main reason for this spell is to be able to use the Tomes all by yourself. I consider the Tomes which incrise stats "quest items". But you might be more flexible, and just buy identification in the shops. If you use the Tomes at all. Yet to find a quest-tiem which works only identified though.
4) Protection from Evil: summoned demons are a pain.
5) Protection from Petrification: this might be more convenience than not. In BG1 is convenient around basilisks (not met one during my playthrough though aside the ones under Candlekeep, where you can use some invisibility instead). In BG2 it might be good to have within the Planar Spehere, in the feral halfling room. But that's mostly it.

slvl 2:
1) Mirror Image: this prevents a load of deaths. Spells, traps, even melee attacks can be avoided. Not guaranteed though, so reload if the odds turn against you.
2) Knock: not as much needed in BG1, though some of the Tomes are behind locks. Still would prevent you picking up cretain quests. But in BG2 it is like mandatory.
3) -
4) -
While eg. Melf's Acidic Arrow is conenient to have here, and might be mandatory when reaching Desert Trolls, you can skip it in BG1 for sure at the cost of some more sleeping.
Also, with not much else required here, you might pick Invisibility.
Later Resist Fear will be advisable. It is good to have, and will make you able to bypass one of the Tears of Baal challenges in BG 2.

slvl 3:
1) Melf's Minute Meteor: raw dmg, hits everything you can hit, also fire damage considering trolls. Also can be pre-cast, and the damage is delt between casting spells. What's not to like.
2) Skull Trap: it's raw magic damage, so almost nothing will be immun to it. Can be used as traps, and in EE has the same casting range as Fireball, what is crazy. It is also AoE, what is fun.
3)  -
As mentioned an option here can be Invisibility 10' radius.

slvl 4
1) -
Your options:
- Polymorph Self: see above
- Spider Spawn: it is an actualy good summon, summoning a mid-tier monster. Also, see above.
- Improved Invisibility: I think Spiders Spawn has more use, and Polymorph Self might be (likely will be) mandatory, but if you can squeeze this in, it's absolute marvel, giving you invisibility, preventing enemy casting on oyu as target etc.
- Stone Skin: with invisibility at your hand, as well the option to reload, this is not mandatory for BG1. You'll still want it in BG2.


BG2 spells:

symbols: "*": necessary "#" recommended "&" optional

slvl 1
* familiar (Cat is the best stealther, or consider Imp for its Polymoprh Self)
* Magic Missile (you need to do damage after all)
# Protection from Evil (summoned dmeons are very problematic)
# Protection form Petrification (because of the basilisks under ŰCandlekeep, but given you'll very likely just have some sort of invisibility, can skip this)
& Identify (mostly for RPG reasons to identify and use the Tomes in BG1, identified items also mean more gold)
* Mirror Image (your first true defensive spell, and you have slots to afford it, no questions asked)
* Web (it'll help immensly at the Dukes)
# Knock (you absolutely need this to get the Tomes, and especialy in BG2 a lot of quests can not be completed without)
# Resist Fear (also rmeoves fear, if you Planetar fails its check, not to mention easy accomplishment for that Tear of Baal)
# Melf's Acidic Arrow (you better have this to deal with Desert Trolls, but those are only optional in WK lvl 2, and can be abandoned easily at Yaga Shura's Lair)
slvl 3
* Melf's Minute Meteors (it scales well, last until used up, and will be your prime damag source for BG1)
* Skull Trap (in EE it doesn't even have problem with casting range)
*(!) Invisibility 10' radius (against Sarevok in BG1 you'll need a source of invisibility. This is the easiest solution, but if you pick this, you'll also have to pick Spider Spawn (or loose a familiar))
slvl 4
*(!) Polymorph Self (this spell is needed against Sarevok in BG1. You won't have to learn this if your alignment is Lawful Evil, aka. imp is your familiar)
*(!) Spider Spawn (definitely a great spell, but you only need to pick it in BG1 if you picked Invisibility 10' radius. Might be entirely optional in BG2)
* Improved Invisibility (this is a spell-redundancy if you have Invisibility 10' radius, but even then I recommend it, as it combines Shield with Invisibility. Potential source for invisibility in BG1)
* Stone Skin (you want to pick this up in BG2 as soon as possible. You won't be able to afford it in BG1)
5th: my suggestion is either Minor Spell Sequencer (which you might end up not using at all), or Greater Malison if that ifts your style/can effect Amelyssan.
slvl 5
* Sunfire (yes, it's that good damage spell. You'll stop eventualy using it though)
* Protection from electricity (must have against Abazigail)
* Protection from acid (must have against Draconis)
# Animate Dead (you might get without this, but it's a gamechanger agaoinst spellcasters, strongly recommended)
# Cloudkill (it's a convenient spell to have for a while, but you'll stop using it once you get Abi Dhalzim. Without this you might have to give up, or seriously delay time-denedent quests, like Mae'Var's guild, but that's affordable)
? Spell Immunity (someone said, it might be a must against Amelyssan. Will have to test this)
slvl 6
* Death Spell (it's not just way to convenient to pass on, but without this, saving Phaere will be a strong headache)
* Protection from magic weapons (you'll need this aganst The Ravager)
* Improved Haste (the 3rd Pocket Challange demands this)
# True Sight (the Planetar sees the invisible, still, nice to have this running)
& Protection from magic energy (you are too tired to think? Cast this, and turn into the Slayer! It'll kill everything up to Dorn Il Khan, maybe even useful against Sendai! Definitely not against Draconis/Abazigail and after, but until...)
slvl 7
*Mordekainen's Sword (an almost invulnerable summon is must have)
* Spell Sequencer (you'll definitely need this if you don't use Simulacrum to help you out against The Ravager, and you'll absolutely need this against Amelyssan)
#Project Image (helps with Wish-healing)
# Limited Wish (it's nice for roleplaying, gives extra exp through various means, and provides 2 other spell: Negative Plane Protection and Minor Globe of Invulnerability - neither are absolute must, but nice to have the option)
# khelben's warding whip (I think I only used this once, against Sendai's Final Form until now. I might be mistaken, and not used it at all)
& Stone to Flesh (roleplaying spell for certain quests. If you don't want this, switch it to Project Image (it's barely interresting under EE as far as I can tell))
slvl 8
* Piercing Shield (you'll need this to be able to do anything against Blathazar/The Ravager/Amelyssan)
* Abi Dhalzim's Horrid Whilting
* Spell Trigger
# Simularcum (it's fine if you can handle the micromanagment)
slvl 9
* Time Stop (against Yaga Sura, Draconis, and more, you'll be glad to have this)
* Chain Contignency (this is a very strong option to have. Absolutely needed in optional areas like WK Compass Level, also against such mandatory opponents as The Ravager)
* Wish (to recharge at Amelyssan)
* Absolute Immunity might be required to pass WK:Compass Level (the big demon fight can put you some aganazar's scorcher, which might be interfering with necessary casting).


Useful spells for druids:
slvl 1:
- Entangle possibly, in the Ducal Palace
- Cure light wounds: spaceholder spell
- Shillelagh: basic attack capability, +1 weapon
slvl 2:
- Barkskin: basic AC-.giver
- Find Traps: occasionaly it helps
- Flame Blade: extra weapon-casting per day, also slightly higher damage, but slightly less duration. Also: troll-finisher
slvl 3:
- Call lightning: extremly limited use, I only used it ONCE, to start the fight against Silke (casting it is too slow, you're almost never outside)
- Cure medium wounds: spaceholder spell
- Protection from fire: at times
slvl 4:
- Call woodland beings: better than animal summoning in every respect.
- Cure serious wound: spaceholder spell
- Negative plane protection: just because you can
- Farsight
- Protection from lightning
slvl 5:
- Insect Plague: lategame, when you have good summons to hold things up, you can use this, and surprisingly it hits quit frequently. Better than nothing the very least
- Iron Skin: eventualy you'll not get into melee, but why not cast it once per day just because you can
- Magic resistance: it exists
- Pixie Dust: sure, it'll only appear in BG2 and further, and I did not actualy use it ever, but if you need invisibility, this gives you invisibility
- True Seeing
slvl 6:
- Conjure fire elementals: they have terible to-hit chance, and only even try once per round, but the duration is high, they can finish off trolls, and are immun to normal weapons, so better than nothing. Still take forever to aquire this spell.
- Harm: yes, you'll need this if you are fighter-multiclass
- Physical mirror: you'll only need this once, against the Fallen Solar, but yeah
- summon (fallen) deva is weaker than the elemental princes, but you know, it's one more unit
- (greater) elemental summonning: it's very nice to have. Beware, sometimes nothing is summonned (bug?)! And you can't instantly re-summon them when one is vanquished!
- Energy Blade: abuseable under EE, where you can just walk through doors, and the enemy won't follow
- Elemental Transformation: I'd say Earth-form is better, and these take no HLA-slots, also can be picked more than once (I've picked 2)
- Storm of Vengance is NOT a spell you'll want to pick! Sure, this is your only chance to eliminate Desert Trolls, but they can jsut be left behind, so don't bother!

Key fights in BG2:
You'll find the first between-areas encounters problematic, so you might want to skip on the Harper-quests.
If you are running a Fighter/druid, you'll also have the problem not being able to harm Stone Golems, so you might have to skip on the Mae'Var questline, or juggle the money you have for an unusualy long time.

There's also the optional Watcher's Kep Compass Level, you know, after which the stat-bonuses are. You might want to forfeit this whole thing with clerc/druid multiclasses, just not worth the effort gaining the scepter-gems to get down to lvl 4.
Be worry though with Cleric/Thief, because you'll HAVE TO get the Deck of Many Things! But that's not that big of a problem, running through portals and stuff.

Anything that can Maze you of course will be a nuisance, so use summons if you can and stuff.
For druid/clerics: summonning Deva takes way less time than summoning elementals, so there's that.
Remember, you don't always have to win, you can lock enemies behind doors, get past them invisibly, or not pick up certain quests. Or to get the most out of the Deck of Many Things, you should consider your options. That week(s)-long lasting otherwise unremovable Mind Shield from it can be quit attractive for a monk, which by the way can not have access to Remove Curse.
Also, skip the whol shaugain city, you'd gain nothing from it aside a headache.
For the Tears of Bhaal, consider your options well. 20 CON might worth more than whatever the other option is for +2 CON! 

Warning! don't forget to sleep in Spellhold, and maybe in Underdark at arrival, to get the Slayer Chhange properly! You WANT that ability.
Key fights in ToB:

The Ancient's Garden's bhaalspawn is pathetic, don't look at me.

Arriving in the sieged city is a slight problem, but you have time to cast Summon Deva for basic cover.
You also will want to collect reputations for Slayer Change.
Just discovered, going through the Jail is way more convenient than going through the barrack. No 25 STR requiring secret door and stuff. You'll have to deal with vampires though, and some extra soldiers, but that's ok.
You can pass that group invisibly on the ground floor. With monk. The others will want to fight.
Gromnir is kinda lame with the uhm-see-ya strategy with Energy Blade. Weird you can exit that room, given this is a bossfight.
Arrive invisible, and you won't have problem. Or just run in bear form, you druids.

Forest of Myr (Nyalee)
Master Wraith is very problematic with its many minion, which even can turn invisible. Druids shall summon 2 elemental prince for blockade, clerics can restoration after he fact, and monks will have high enough stats to pull this out.
When you return you don't have to fight anything here, just RUN!

Yaga Sura's Lari
Invisibility helps immensly, and most of the job will fall onto summons.
For the northwestern wardstone-room you can simply run out, and not mess with the desert trolls! Same for the magic golems, but they are weak, and each classes aside monk will have an ability to deal lethal non-magic damage (summons, Flame Balde), so no problem there.
Also use the fact in the second area that giants get stuck in the doorway.

Siege Camp (Yaga Sura)
EE made this quit eas,y no infinite respawning army anymore. Run in, hurt YS with something ranged, than focus on YS when he reappears.

Sendai's Lair
Myconids: Energy Blade makes short work on them, preventing their summonings, it is so fast.
You can pass most of the things here being invisible, especialy the infinite spawning slave-tunnels. Druids can even just cast Iron Skin, and switch to bear-form, which is hasted under EE! But you also can use summons to clean the road.
You obviously want to duel against that guy.
The illithids here can and will harm you, so might consider switching to Slayer Form.
Sendai herself is aways the same: remain at the door, and abuse the Pocket Plane ability.
NOTE: Ogremoch is though as heck, with fighter/druid you'll need full party summons, led by your own ogremoch!

Abazigail's Lair
Draconis is a paon, but if you are immun to normal weapons, his human form won't be able to harm you. You can (and should) also hop to the pocket dimension for a sdleep when it transforms into a dragon.
Monk will have to switch the difficulty to Easy here, thief can set traps for the dragon form, fighter will have to rely on the Harm + Critical Strike casting. When it lands, you'll still have to finish off Draconis - use Energy Blades) -, and it'll take some hits, as he regenrates like crazy!
Use invisibilty at the pools, or abuse the possibility to leave the place when harmed after eliminating 1+ enemy, and also, if you want, you can back off fast at the eyes, and summon up things.
Interrestingly, Abazigail will "die" when hit with Harm, because 1 HP on it triggers dialoge and narrative death! (This is also how Amelyssan goes down.)
For sorcerer/ess/DD you'll need to use Dragon Breath to finish off abazigail, as that bypasses MR (Piercing Shield and any deguff falls down from him when transformed).
Before the abazigail-fight, you'll be able to pick down the summons either with ranged atatcks, or just letting them come to oyu with monk - the slaamander stuck at the mirror will NOT be able to come to you, but will likely get freed during the fight with the dragon, so bewar!

With sorcerer/ess/DD oyu'll just cast a ton of Skull Trap at the entrence, and hope for the best.
You must know, summoons are NOT allowed on the second set of stairs, so you can NOT set them around the throne using Farsight!
You should know, you will liekly be able to abuse the side-rooms on top of the first set of stairs for simension-hopping, where you can rest, so focusing first on the minion-monks might pay out. You won't have unlimited time when oyu get back though, so fighter/clerics might have some trouble, as for them double elemental prince summonning is not an option.

Challenge #1
If you are evil, which you probably will be due to the Tears of Bhaal, this is easier than for the goodies, given no ranged attackers and stuff.

Challenge #2
Tamoko hts hard, and Alternate Self even leveldrains, plus has that annoying spell-reflection which deflects Energy Blade. The archer can't hit you if you are immun to unenchanted weapons, and the mage while does have a Time Stop and stuff, lacks HP, and don't like to move around fortunately.
Summons and focusing on Alternate Self is primary objective here.
Monk sucks here, but there's a sweet spot on the western part where only 1 enemy can get to you - if you find that, oyu'll be able to deal with Alternate You while Slayer Change lasts (the only source of Negative Plane Protection for monks for this challenge), and after that it's kinda a cakewalk.

Challengee #3
Another leveldrainer, but this one isn't too bad, epsecialy if you can run around summons hasted.

Challange #4
Pretty straightforward. Deva and Solar can see the invisble, and you probably can cast True Seeing. But it's ok either way.

Challange 5
Ye, this is a though cookie.
For monk, you need to keep your distance, and the difficulty being set Easy, you'll not face Bone Blades.
Sorcerer/ess/DD will have to rely on Protection from Magic Weapons, that gives you 8 casting time time to cast things while also doing Improved Alacricity, so fill your Spell Sequencer with Skull Traps, your Spell Trigger with Skull Traps, your Chain Contignency with Pierce Magic, release your sequencer/tirgger, cast skull trpas, and even Abi Dhalzim. It's a passians, really.
Fighter multiclasses shall hide behind their summons to cast Harm + Critical Strike (Harm and Slayer Chnage amongst others fall off when you enter tha challenge-arenas, grrr). Sure, it still has to rely on reloads because of the MR%, but that's life.
Cleric/Thief will have to use the deck of Many Things to lbind themselves, and lay traps (or rely on the 1:200 chance for Harm work by itself).

Throne of Vhaal (Amelyssan)
One: she acts like she does not see the invisible, so monks should definitely start each phase stealthed. Monks are especialy problematic here, relying on things happenning the right way, but more on that later.
Two: sorcerer/ess/DD are the most reliable. Their tactic aganst Amelyssan is pretty much the same as against The Ravager, but even more easier, given Amelyssan has way lower HP. Then they just rely on Wish-heal, so... Their true problem is dealing with the Fallen Solar, which takes quite an amount of Dragon Breath casting (passes MR%, and the solar has no reistsance against fire! Everything is immun to fire at this point, but this single unit is not!).
three: Amelyssan pahse 3 is the hardest, no question there.
Four: this is for fighter multiclasses, and possibly cleric/thief too: for the 3rd pool, you ONLY have to deal with the Solar, and nothing else. After that, you'll be able to turn of the pool!

Figher multiclases:
- Against Amelyssan it is always Harm + Critical Strike. For phase 4 you will want to put a deva where she'll spawn to ease your problems. You CAN touch Amelysan before she manages to port away in phase 3! Do not forget: 1 HP triggers her dying-dialogue, so no fzrther action needed.
- for pool 1 just send in a deva with Globe of Blades on it.
- for pool 2 you'll need to cast 2 Firestorm at the same place, and run around until the monsters perish. you might have the usual buggy behaviour of trolls (aka. not dying), but nothing you can do about it, aside hope they'll be down when the fire stops (have prot from fire running on yourself), and finish them with Flame Blade). Druids are in advantage here with iron skin and bear form (heasted under EE).
- for pond 3 you'll need elemental prince(s). Fire alone: reload. Air: you have some chance. Earth: you have good chance. Two princes: save when the spell is cast, because even though you cast at the enemy sight, this still works! energy Blade is your friend, and hopfully the Solar will hurt itself with oyur Physical Mirror running. When out of Energy Blade, you might want to transfor to Earth Elemental Form, and GWW away its remaning HP. Turn to bear if you need to gain space from the mariliths. Chaotic Command is a must (or mind shield, or being an elf etc.). Do turn back to human form before turning off the pool though!

- Against Amelyssan, you'll have to rely on your traps. this is no problem foir phase 2-4, but for pahse 1 you'll only be able to do this because you self-induced blindness!

- for phase 1 you'll be able to win with just Whirlwind, and a single Greater Whirlwind. You might need 2 GWW though.
- after every major battle, you'll have to stand around doing nothing, I mean getting healed form your 20+ CON.
- the first 2 pools you can just pummel without abilities. For the pool 2 trolls, just use some active damage-dealing sun-monk ability as finisher. Do NOT use the fire shield here, and do not use fire shield like ever if the enemy has it too, it has a positive feedback on each other (except when fighting Irenicus when he's in slayer form), and that can easily kill you!
Note on the Slayer form: it can be used to HEAL you, that's 100 extra HP.
- for the other phases of amelyssan oyu'll need 3 GWW each, and for pahse 3-4 you'll even need 1-1 Hardness. Technicaly you could use Hardiness + 2 GWW at Pahse 2 too, but hat has a lower success-rate, and you are short supply on HLAs.
- phase 3 is very lottery, and you might need to Slayer Change even, replenish your Hardiness, more GWW... One thing though: do NOT mind getting leveldrained here! It will happen too often (I lost 1 level only when it happened, and it happened 90+% of the time!).
- for pool 3 use every remaning sun-ability you have:? the fire shield thing, and the Flmaing Fist to deal with the solar ASAP, and  also GWW the mariliths fast. The succubus/alu fiend barely bothers anyone. Will spend here 3 GWW too.
So monk is hard-pressured to preserve its HLAs during this, but it IS possible on Easy difficulty!


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