Lord of Chaos

 Prologue Book 6
Why isn't the title start with a "The"?
And 90 pages for the prologue? That's not even a short story, that's its own book!

So there IS a Mr. Satan. Doesn't say aaaynthing about Mr. Creator, or any other part of myths.

Alaas, how many Forsaken is still alive, realisticly?

1 Semirhage
2 Demandred
3 Sammael <--- (Illian, Tel Janin Aellinsar)
4 Graendal
5 Mesaana
+1 Moghedien <--- (binded, book 5)
+2 Luc <--- (retconned in book 4)
+3 Isam <--- (retconned in book 4)

Who the fok is Marigan? Ah, Mogdehein! (The Marigan-face appeared as a healing-herb trader.) Seems RJ took too much coke, and forgot none knew her identity to start with.

Seems everyone wanna go to Rand.

Somehow in the meanwhile Emondsfield become the center of EVERYTHING. No idea where all these foreigners came from.
The imprtant part here is when some wamen go to Perrin, that it's winter-time, but still summer weather of no rain. Not sure what they expect, especialy as they know it's magick.

Gawayne exist, and the shaidos conspire with the Children.
The leader of the Shaidos (certain Sevanna) also conspired with Padan Fain, who gave her the Cube from Hellraiser or something.

Morgese went to Amadicia, and is fucking its king.
The Children Pedron Nial offers her an army, and informs her Gaebril is actualy dead, so no problem returning home.

Hey, there's some Mesaana! But who is Mesaana, the Forsaken?

Hm, so 2 Forsaken is resurrected by some uber-murderall, Shaidar Haran.
Why wasn't this option for ALL Forsaken, at least those who did not get erased by laser (I assume that could be the problem with Rahvin)?
Either way, add 2 more to the list:

6 Lanfear/Aran'gar
7 ?/Osan'gar

You know what? Assuming the best, anyone trying to read WoT erase Book 1-5, start with the appendix/glossary, then Book 0, then this. And hope for the best. 


Chapter 10 Book 6 
This chapter is analogous to the final episode of the netflix show Chilling Adventures of Sabrina in the way it is the franchise-killer, by stripping the main character of its free will, giving even the option of BREATHING to an alien and hostile force.

There it was Sabrina signing the Book of Shadows, here it is Rand being forced to be Protector of some random aes sedai.

The sole hope of this series was that its Messiah is ahead of everyone, and by wisdom, brute force and luck rides into the Apocalypse.
And before you ask that what about someone breaking this chain (and neither here nor there the character could ask such thing) the link, the control over Rand remains in the hands of the proven wrong aes sedai to the very end.

The characters lack any goal (since book 5 at latest there remain no goal aside riding to the Blight), being stripped from any chance of marking progress wwith the Forsaken being continuously resurrected, neither faction showing any chance to change their warring ways, there is no story possible, just endless stagnation and filler-arcs (like Fail's abduction).
The exact same thing everyone complained about.

Then the only thing remain to be discussed is the ending.
As expected, the nazis survive. As suspected on an I-don't-want-to-believe level, the nazis even prophecised to rule over all, fulfilling Adolf Hitler's dream, the epitome of Christianity.

What little else remains is the so-called "final battle" with Satan, which is a theology-lesson about Satan's importance to the Great Plan, so they reset the status-quo at the end of that plotline.

It's astonishing anyone even considers touching this franchise with a ten-feet pole. 


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