New Spring Chapters 11-19

 Chapter 11-12 Book 0
I realised while creating a backup of here, that this book/volume is most important!
Not because what happens in it (as mostly nothing happens in it), but because what it relates to!

Ya see, this is a prequel - which is not a prequel! This whole heap of junk is a PROLOGUE, which retcons the Oriiginal Prologue just by being first on the timeline, obviously an intention to be as that!

Why is this important, and how does it changes EVERYTHING? Well, this whole thing is about the DRAGON, and has nothing to do with SATAN. the Original Prologue is declared by this a bad fanfic ripoff of the prologue of the léord of the Rings, but finaly tematicly erases it entirely!
Satan is NOT IMPORTANT. Rand is important. Because as Aslan is an analogue for God, Rand is an analogue for Jesus, aka. The Messiah.
The Jesus-story didn't have a prime antagonist, just like this one doesn't. The Jesus-story had multiple antagonists, both secular, religious and supernatural, but they were all cliffnotes. The important thing is the message of Salvation, and everything else (story, characters, internal consistency) be damned!

Finaly figured it out. THIS is the bok the Wheel of Time becomes The Wheel of Time. Tam is Joseph, Land and Moiraine (with Siuan) are the Three Kings, and so on. the aes sedai ARE he jews "who are not jews, but the Synagouge of Satan".

Also, made a search about the short story version, and found out why it is nowhere listed separatly. Because the novel is NOT an expanded version of the short story, rather the exact same, only added chapters to the "short story version" (a source mentioned the short starts with Chapter 14).

Back to the chapter.

RJ likes to repeat this thing about the aes not marrying because they are highlanders, and who wanna watch her love and family die. Well, the REAL reason though was in the Strike at Shyol Ghul, and it wasn't this nonsense.


Are these lesbians?
Who has time for that, CONTRADICTION TIME!
Previously (you know what I mean) it was clearly stated, that no full rank aes sedai may suffer "the shaming of flesh", aka. beating. Here it is clearly stated that is everyday occurance.
Make up your mind Robert! Just on one thing for a start! This is the same kind of crap CSLewis (to whom Lewis Therin is a reference, obviously) came up with hoomans being every-present in Narnia, depsite in Book 1 everyone thinking "the children of Adam" were a myth.
Not to mention, this is ritualistic nonsense, which prevents proper functioning.

So, Lan is still in this book.  


Chapter 13-14 Book 0
How do these bills work? they cross the value and write it over, or what?

Note: you don't whip the person's ass. You whip the back.

Why u need 10 clothes to have 1 cloth for each 7 days of a week?


I dun care about any of this. None of these relations will have any effect even on this book, not to mention anything in the core 14. Moiraine is even dead. So why is this here?
And amongst all the rubbish you get such christian propaganda, as the "self-examination day" or whatever, which is obviously a monastery-thing, what monks do, meditating on your Sins. Fuvking Sins, with capital S. Just fok off.

Ah,a contradiction in the lore! I love those. A novice tried the first initiation, failed - and was sent home. Why? It was emphaciesed you can try it 3 times. Oh well, must have stopped in the middle of the trial or something. I dun actualy remember now if that's an option. An' I dun care to look it up. Oh, well, I've looked it up (in Book 2), and ye, that's an option.

A prayer? Now we have those too? Fok off.

Another inconsistency. When Elaida kicked out Siuan it was mentioned as a very unique and unusual, and never-happned-in-a-thousand-yers thing that her Chronic was not from the same ajah. Now this happens in front of our eyes, and it just screams inconsistency.

And more inconsistency! It was established, full rank aes sedais go as they are pleased in and out of the city. Now this is retconned.
Moiraine escapes the city, and here was ALMOST some good writing. RJ either got léazy, or superficial, or soething, because it ALMOST works. The excuse is made - but the order does not fit. See, Moiraine mentions "but I'm not corrsing the bridges" and goes by ship. This'd be magnificient IF the command had not been "Do not leave Tar Valon", but to not cross the bridges. This way it is a missed opportunity. And it is so obvious!  


Chapter 15-16 Book 0
Nothing important happened today.


Well, this didn't age well. a 30 years wamen got into the bed of a 15 years boy (Lan, happened 10 years before this book).  


Chapter 17-19 Book 0

Siuan and Moiraine are declared "pillow-friends". Again a breaking of "show don't tell". And while it is not necessarily straight lesbianship (check the manga Firlfriends), it is again aaat least the HINT of lesbians. That's fine, but then - where are the gays?
Oh, I know, the Bible is very explicit against gays, while lesbians are more of a grey area.

Anyway, Moiraine is interrogated by some aes, again implied (along Moiraine) to be able to peek into the future. She is pretty funky charecter. Name is Cadsuane.


We learn, that the aeses who searched after the Dragon, the black ajah systematicaly eliminated. To get the connection you had to read book 4.

Moirine is an elitist snob aristocrat here, who'd never accept command from a lowr class - like Rand.


Moiraine for racist motivations follow Lan&Co.
She joins them for now. 


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