The Fires of Heaven Chapters 41-50

 Chapter 41-44 Book 5

 Well, we start with a fuzzy description!
First, we get there are 3 camp, made out of TWO factions: soldiers of tear and Cairhien. Why 3 camps for 2 factions? Who knows!
So tear got here? Good, but why don't we get their story? Not cool.
How are cairhien soldiers outside? Who knows!
And in the next paragraph Jordan says they are not soldiers but commonfolk, peasants even? Just what is happening?
And by sheer concidence ALL these arrived the same time - as Rand?

Again the inconsistency. The Aiel World War was like 20 years ago. Why don't this captain handle aiels as a threat?

Question: does this world knows sexual protective devices?

Jordan just said, an army of ca. 100,000 can not be seen.


On Quora someone asked what's the most important thing when you write Epic Fantasy. And some dumbfuckery replied "the map". Well, we see in WoT why that is not true. 10,000 pages intro drawing up the map is boring. Especialy if you don't even have the final product when you start it, so we can see when you paint, and re-paint the whole thing. Not to mention, I thought that's why you have a map in the appendix, so you can spare that 100,000 pages crap.
What you actualy need, is a story.
What's the story here? I don't know. We COULD say it is gathering humanity to fight the Big Bad Boss - but that plotline is sidelined for... What are we expecting to be achieved here? We are sidetracked, without a cause.

Great. We are presented with THE strategy Rand should follow here - but Rand never gets this informaiton. Because Roby is an idiot.
By the way, yes, the strategy is pretty obvious, at least it's core.
Yes, this thread is reeled up like twop ages later - but that's two pages too many.

Mat splits from the group.

I have no idea who this Weiramon is. I searched for it (ebook, remember), and he is a Lord from Tear. Well, then why did he not exist in Book 4? I stopped taking notes on every name since then, but I do have every name up till the start of volume 5. Why RJ did not use a name that existed already, and thus give the slightest credibility to his writings? Maybe even RJ didn't give a crap at this point.


Again the stupidity "if ya has magick y u have weapon?"
Well, a) because creating a sword requires magic, and you can esily be cut from it b) the Magic Sword Spell is a spell, and requires mana c) you are not just limited by mana, but also how many things you can do at once with magic, so one less needed is always good.
Oh, and because Paul Attraides also did not use magic to duel that harkonen guy.
I also feel a bit of subverting the character of Corum, though that reference is from book 3 there, King of Swords.

Question: why this scene with Matt? What do we gain with it? Nothing, again, that's what. Doesn't matter if it is an otherwise good (though a bit stretched) scene, if it has no purpose to exist in the story.
The scene even result in personaly micromanaging your team (from the writer's side), and that's BAD leadership (authorship).


Why is the conclusion Sammael? So the plot can happen.There are 9 Forsaken out there, but "no doubt" is it Sammael! Didn't Hellboy delt with that creature?

This is the first time I actualy read Peul/Rand's fremen/aiel title. And it is the usual lack of creativness: karakan. "a person or thing that acts or has the power to act."
Ya know, I once read a book which did such thing. It was waaay less obvious though. And it was actualy built in the story, revealing at one point it is a post-apocalyptic world, and THAT had significance to the story too! Here it is just some talentless heck fanficcing.

You know, it wouldn't even occur to me normaly, but is it ok to Matt have a spyglass? I don't remember him, or anyone else using such things throughout, and RJ made a big deal of Rand's telescope, so I have my doubts. Yes, RJ achieved that his reader distrust him. And all GM knows if the party starts ditrusting him/her, it's pretty much game over.

Sammal. Is. the. Betrayer. Of. Hope.
Ye, sure, Mr. Jordan! It was always him. :sarcasm:

Well, the battle is over. 
Chapter 45-46 Book 5
When did the aiels turn scottish?

Couldain is dead though, but Matt still hangs around.

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear (Mierin)
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain) <--- (dead, book 3)
4 Aginor <--- (dead, book 1)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead, book 1)
6 Demandred
7 Luc <--- (retconned in book 4)
8 Isam <--- (retconned in book 4)
9 Sammael <--- (Illian, Tel Janin Aellinsar)
10 Asmodean (Joar Addam Nesossin) <--- (cut, book 4)
11 Be'lal <--- (dead, book 3)
12 Ravhin <--- (Caemlyn)
13 (dead, book 2) <--- (retconned in book 4)
14 Moghedien
15 Graendal
16 Mesaana
17 Ba'alzamon


We get the scene from the Bible where our hero stole Laban's stuff, and Jacob's wife (one of it) sits on 'em.

"Rand" tries to list all things he wanna accomplish. Amongst them: unite all nations.
The number of nations isn't that great as real world Europe, but c'mon, that'd take DECADES, at least, and would keep bickering and the thing would keep falling appart. This is not a plan, this is NONSENSE. Especialy if he also wanna tackle the nazis, who he doesn't know like squat, aside they exist.
Also, how the werewolfves fits into this? Rand doesn't even know about them, they are pretty much unorganised, and, like, have no connection to the world.
Or the plant-beings. None seen any since three thousand years.
And again, what are the Sea People Prophecies?

Anyway, Rand enters Cairhien.  


Chapter 47-50 Book 5
This bickering between the two wamen is inflated pages.

Though the situation is actualyfunny. Masema's people started a fight with the Children over a ship, which both want for Team C, this escalated wuickly, and now it is an all-out civil war.
And probably this is why a book ago we had that personality-swap. So there IS some pre-planning, it just done in the sidenotes, and not worked on, or thought through, or like anything.

I assume the wholecircus-nonsense was because of some timing-issue, but without any forshadowing (as usual), I just can't see why, so those hundreds of pages feel a waste.


A whole chapter to saying goodbye, while we did so in the previous chapter. That's stupid.

Half-thoughts. That's what we have here. RJ starts a sentence/action/thought, but we never get to th end. Like takes out - from what. adds the sum oof spending - what is the result (compared to the 100 gold)? Etc.
And no, it doesn't halp that 5-10-20 pages later things get cleared, as that's an other scene, and we moved on - confused.


NyanNyan-cat is offended because in the whole wilde world found a man, who is like any member of the red ajah. "How dare you...!" Fok off, Ninive.
And because how little happens in these books, and how harshly divided the world at this point, this leaves a mark of sexism on the whole of it, a bad taste of mouth tainting the whole WoT.

In a character-driven story this would be a good chapter. It is inconsequential to the plot, but that wouldn't be a necessity. Too bad we have no story.
And of course where RJ describes nonames' backstory is just utter nonsense. Why is it there? To create artificial emotions? It doesn't work, because it is artificial. And we need no more characters. And this is done in exposition, not in any meaningful way.

Oh, yes, yes, yes, RJ pushes on our neck new characters! Just fuck you.

Uhm, how do Team C both enter the Dreamworld? Even using the blacks stolen tangreals 3 locations are not possible. Those two thingy were binded to visit one-one fixed place. RJ forgot. Forgot again.

And wassis? A tangral that requires magic to work? That's not how these work.

Rand created the Freemasonry.
And while it is nice and dandy, doesn't answer the question how he solved the political situation.

Team C gets on shore - beats me exactly where, and why in the middle of nowhere, not even mentioning a city. The appendix-map really works against this scenario, given distance-comparsion from Emondsfield to Baerlon, also between Samara and Boannda, and the number and placement of settlements and rivers.


Oh, ye, a quick reminder the aes sedai is a fascist organization. Rigid, hierarchical, past-whorshipping cretins who are full of themselves. Oh, and they are function-less, nonfunctional hoarders. No wonder they have financial troubles already. You have the greatest resource at your whim, and can't make money of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Instead they rob their own members with the threat of shoveling them in the back yard, like a true christian from Acts.

What? The guhrls spilled the beans on Birgitte? Oh, ye, almost forgot, conistency is for the dogs.

O,h this Seal got broken. 4 down, 2 at Moiraine, 1 at unkown location.

So, Ninive will discover how to turn back isolation from the Force.

Why Ninive doesn't tuck her hair in this volume?

This "ho can be Rand's 3rd waifu" is ridiculous. We perectly know who that is, no need to play this "wh can it be".
And still and again I'll note, polygamy in the human race is a bad idea.
I think I just realised what's this three-wives thing. In the Bible most people have 2 wives (and 2 slaves-to-rape), so 3 wives would be like being superman! If you are idoctrinated enough in the sect's way. If not, it is unfair, thus immoral. 


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