New Spring Chapters 20-26+

 Chapter 23-26 + epilogue Book 0
The repetition of "braid", or whatever that magic weaving is, is annoying.

Now the black ajah hunts philanthropes too? Why?


So, let me get this straight: she offers the tailor 30$, but each day costs 5$ from it. And she expects the cloth be done in a week instead ofa month.
Is she that stupid?

Independent from that now I get what will happen! Better late than never. Lan will be made a protector, so he can get away from the marriage!


Well, this was.


Well, the single happening in this thing just cut short. Obama was sent to peek on wassisname, and nao he's dead. Subverting the expectations, do we?
Especialy as the marriage goes in smoke when the princess is ... narratively eliminated. She could have been saved, no problem there - Lan just didn't. Ye, that makes him a true hero, elevates him more in our eyes - NOT.

A question: you are an aes sedai. This means wamen. You are in a life&death situation. Why the fuck you cast fire/earth magick, which is your natural weakpoint? And this is not at all a single occurance, but regular.

And you see? That's what I always told: ye, magic is fine, but if also have a weapon, you have more options.

I also tell that denying reality makes you weak. Perfect example.


Fuck luces. I'm ok with fish-phrases, but when it is only luces, fuck you.
And not just that, but this fish-thing gets into EVERY FUCKING SENTENCE now. Uno sweared, but that's kinda natural. This is an abomination.

And wassis bullshit that the black ahjah will kill every male wizard, TENS OF THOUSANDS? Where did that many male wizard appear out of thin air? This is nonsense, utter garbage, pure trash.

Hm, so the mageling can suck its protector dry if needed. Hm...


Why is here no lexicon-appendix?

And RJ rly planned this garbage through two more books (prequel-trilogy)? Woah! Truly remained fanfic-writer for life, eh? Too bad fanfics are not publishable category! Who tought this was a good idea? Well, nepotism again proved it leads to ruin the world. 


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