New Spring Chapters 1-10

  Chapter 1 Book 0
Why is there no prologue? I'm totaly shocked. Again. this is the 2nd time it happens, and it is not fair!
At least the stupid wind blows.

Here is a mysterie for the start: when will Lan loose his sword? We know in the core bookks his sword is NOT a magic sword, so what happun?

Hey, a timeline of sort! So, if the Breaking is 0, then 1,000 is the Troll Wars, 2,000 is the 100 Years War and the Fall of Arthur's Kingdom, 3,000 is Aiel World War.

Peach seed is actualy NOT poisonous. It's all about dosage, and not eating the bad taste ones.  


Chapter 2-4 Book 0
So, 1st chapter we had Lan, now we have Moiraine.
Question has to be asked: why this period? Was here a real need to expand this from a short story? Will it be just another Black Widow?

Siuan and Moiraine are pupils in Tar Valon. So what?

The ever-present "might makes right" concept. I hate it.

From the reviews and a detail here I suspect what's the point of this book: showing the last initiation to become aes sedai, as RJ wrote himself into a corner with this aspect, but we know he never let his whimsy ideas die away, no matter how irrelevant, pointless, unfitting they become.

This Moiraine is a jerk.

That aes clearvoyances Rand being born.


Always this question "what is on the west"? My question is: what is on the north and more, the south? We know none goes east as there's the Big Wall of China.

Ah, the propaganda that "if M. Satan wins all will be dead".
Too bad Mr. Jordan we saw a world where that happuned, and while it was very different from what we find comfortable, doesn't mean it had no life (it had), or that it wasn't good for its inhabitants. This is pure xenophobia.

Ah, we get numbers! 200 initiate, and 400 novice has place to study in The Tower, but there are only 60 and 100. And there are 423 fully trained aes sedai around.

Ya know, I kinda have to declare the Force a drug. It is tainted even without the Taint. It is so addictive, you die if it is taken away from you, while it is not mandatory to have access to it for humans (nor others), so it is not like it's food or air. It's simply a drug. Which you can overdose on. Because you like it so much, it pushes you to take that Golden Shot.

Oooh, Jordan tries to come up with The Dangers of Magic! Too bad we had nothing of such up till this point, so this sticks out like a sore thumb.

Ok, so the aes sedai live in denieal on every level.

Ah, now I get what's the problem with this prequel. Nothing happens. As usual. It might turn out to be an ok extended material, but as its own thing is lacking on the basic levels.

The Throne sends EVEYRONE to search for the Dragon Reborn.


This world doesn't have women's saddle? Ya know, thee kind they invented so ya can sit on a horse in skirt?

You know, I just realised, because of a sentence here, while you might not know how to fly, you could walk on air. This could be useful on muddy streets!

Oh, reality-check! Isn't an aiel siege going on? Andcoming to that, why is there an aiel attack HERE again? The whole Aiel World War was to kill the ruler of Cairhien, nothing else. So?  


Chapter 5-6 Book 0
Why is there no state-administration? OR why don't they ask the local village-council, whatever they have? Why bother going through every bloody people, who'll stand in the row of another aes just to get that ridiculous sum again?
Aes sedais are dumb to administration.

When they said they were sent west, I thought they'll go WEST. Not like 2 hours distance from the Tower/the city.


So, the Aiel World War ended, I assume, with the death of whoever-king.

This is the point where we have to ask: ok, we got like 4-5 chapters of exposition. Basicaly all the description of the factions, and aes magic. Why? What was the point? Nothing is happening. What is the use of the information we were given?

And why did the aes sedai hire administrators, who don't fuck up a form?

The Tower wanna put Moiraine on the throne of Cairhien. She doesn't wanna.  


Chapter 7-10 Book 0
I wonder what is the population of Tar Valon, and let's say 1.5 day travel form there. Because there can NOT be that many children there.
Let's say there's 100,000 people there. Let's say the average life-span is 70 years, Also divide by monthes (12). In the hand of a professional there would be only like 100-150 child on that list. Even if we are being generous, 2,000 at worst. If each aes took 100 names on their list, like Siuan and Moireine did, there would be no need for a 2nd day. RJ again did not do his homework.

The aeses don't even know the functionality of the cape of their protectors? That's dangerously dumb.

Ok, so the grey ajah has the function of internal affairs, or something. They are obsessed towards some law. Which law? Who knows. Also, in the core books when will this information appear, a most don't even read this volume.

Question: Moiraine is hinted to be able to see the future?


So, the initiation is like sitting in the middle of a firework.


Ok, we SAW how the initiation goes. Why do we need to watch it officially too? Waste of paper and time.

Oh, so the aes sedai is secretly the jewish illuminati!

You now, it is a big mistake the weaving is just useless, and along that they have to cast shit. What it would have been cool, if the weaving had been SEEMINGLY useless, but in the Trial Realm it'd do all the crazy shit Moiraine is doing here along the weaving. So it'd give a payoff for all the strougle.
But no, we can't have nice things.
But just imagne if the "useless weaving" would have turned itself to that Gate. Just imagine. It'd have been fantastic!


It's weird the aes sedai prefer the risk of death by exhaustion than to have minor injuries.

On the sidenote, Siuan passes too. 


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