The Fires of Heaven Chapters 33-40
Chapter 33-38 Book 5 Team C is in another random city. Ninive figured out the nazi leash would work without the chain, so no more range restriction. More important(?) she want to create her own magic items. But nothing justifies the circus. It is just filler. --------------- So, the first page of this chapter is, them eating some soup. How this contributes the story, or the characters, or the mood, or like aynthing? This whole who knows about Birgitte thing slips out of hand. The chicks not having any personality of their own, not distinct enough role just bland in my head to an amorphic blob, and I have no idea about the details of this ... "plot", but I was sure until now only one of 'em met the ghost, and that one swore secrecy. Well, no need to worry about this anymore, Birgitte is written out. --------------- Wut just happened? The ghost of Birgitte appeared in the woke world fully adult? That's not how it works. And Elyane made a protectore frm Birg...