The Shadow Rising Chapters 30-39

Chapter 30-33 Book 4
The chapter is mainly how things stand in the village, notble thing is, Children, lika any good christian are burning books.
The villagers also hiding two aes sedai.


One of the aes is Verin, so it'll be fine.

It seriously JUST NOW struck the female mages, maybe they could fuck around. This implies they never did, not even before the Breaking of the World!!!:o

Rand's father and Matt's father turns out avoided being captures, and joins.

Fain/Ordeth is converting Children to himself.
And yes, HE killed Perrin's family.
Otherwise, his plan's progress seems to get a halt. You know, this plan is absurd anyway. Ok, "it is fantasy", but realisticly speaking if you wanned to kill a bunch of people in this setting, you go alone, and kill everyone in their sleep. Mission accomplished.


nothing much. Next chapter we can encounter Luc!


Luc has the usual unknown origin, and gigantic arrogance. He has also some advice that looks good, but in the acutality crappy. Enough to gain the trust of the people, but far from real help.
Perrinrecognises the strength in the Children, but also their iron fist of control, so suggests the farms surrounding the village(es) to move in the villages, and start bilding defenses, thus the Children will no longer be a must, but an extra resource, and they'll be able tell them later to piss off.
This thing is easier after Perrin points out none destroys the harvest, the houses, or like really any resources, only the hoomans.

Team B goin in the Children freeing the hostages.
This scene is interresting to compare to the Book 1 scene, where Perrin is freed. This has entirely medieval feeling to it, while THAT had western feeling.

Perrin decides to stay and get rid of the trolls.  


Chapter 34 Book 4
Rand comes out of Rhuidean, and it is dawn. SOMEHOW in 3,000 years such hting never occured.
That shaido tribesman immediately attacks them. Ye, he's defintely trouble. but things get cleared up for now, and it is revealed, Rand has BOTH dragon tattoos. Why both? RJ got lazy, probably. Nah, he changed his mind! ORIGINALY he was to send in Rand twice, once at the beginning, once at the end of this book, like with the palm-brands, but he changed something, but did not go back to fix things (could not, the prophecy is in one of the preious books).

Rand orders a gathering of the tribes by the midwives doing the legwork through Dreamland.

Rand just leveled up as Marty Sue by several factors when it turns out his mother was told by an aes sedai to join the aiels, so she'll give birth to the Kwisatz Haderach. And she was such a Mary Sue just by one year she integrated 100% to the fremens.

Oh, in case I wasn't clear before: the jenn-aiels, the 13th lost tribe - are the gyspies.

Aviendha returns. She is now an aiel midwife (pupil).  


Chapter 35-37 Book 4
Egwenne chit-chats with Elayne in Dreamworld, she gets discowered by the midwives, gets punished. Because "deemwuhléd iz dangeroosh". Leave me alone, Robert.

Aviendha is appointed as personal guard for Rand. Whil all the midwives sit nakked in the sweat chamber.


Team A bumps into some merchants. Matt buys a sombrero. Ye, totaly reasonble reason to write in an entire caravan of people who stick with us for who-knows-how-long for this.

Rand keeps being stupid on the gypsy-aiel relation. The character is inconsistent, and that's frustrating in an otherwise ok story.

Ah, ok, through Rand RJ informs us these merchants are actualy darkfriends :) Though beats me what they can accomplish here. And that's why this is a genuins Writer's Opportunity. The reader knows something is coming, and can make some educated guesses, but it it the writer's setting, so 90% of the time we won't figure it out. Now in the hand of a bad writer these setups when come to fruition end up being dumb and cheesey. So prepare your fun being ruined.


Now the arrive to the Imre Stand. The interresting thing in this name is "Imre". That's a hungarian name. This is at least the third time we bump into the hungarian connection. And I just can't find anything online about this. Why the supposed fandom never do the legwork for me?

Trolls killed everyone in the fort, which surprises everone this being deep in fremen territory.

Rand gets some tactical advice about and against aiel warfare, and gets lance-training.

I dunno when exactly this struck me, but the "Breaking of the World" is very likely not just a phrase, but should be taken literaly. That time the world literly broke: mountins were moved "by faith", the entire surface of the planet got rearranged. As far as I can understand.

Matt keeps being a dead weight.

The merchants tempt. Can one of them be Forsaken? Or sent by one?

The party gets attacked by trolls. That's about uncertainity of the situation.  


Chapter 38-39 Book 4
Meanwhile in Tanchico a nazi named Egeanin sits around, and meets Loran Gelb. Is he Floran Gelbet, or simply similarly named? Who knows. He is hunting sultans for her. We also have The Most Usless Returning Character, Domon here too.
The nazi also works together with the darkfriend Bors. Or something. This book is very long, and the writing is sometimes very wishy-washy.
The nazi also does some poor's kitchen - y aknow, the usual face for a christian organisation while they are ****ing your children. Donate to a secular organisation, they'll use your money as you intended to.

The Inquisitor is hired to the (new) panarkha, co-ruler here, for not showin "cooperation" to the king. I dun rly care, but let's see if anyhting comes out of this.
Right after this the 134 black kicks the door on him. Liandrin just wants to live in a palace - this makes no difference to the above plans, so ye, wynaut. (They are also after a control-collar.)
Though I'm a bit disturbed that EVERYONE is here: darkfirends, Children, the black ajah, nazis... If you'd put here a Forsaken, that'd be literaly all "evil" factions from the series.

1 - Liandrin
2 - Chesmal
3 - Rianna Andomeran
4 - Joiya Byir <--- (dead)
5 - Amico Nagoyin <--- (dead)
6 - Temaile
7 - Eldrith Jondar
8 - Marillin Gemalphin
9 - Jaine Caide
10 - Asne Zeramene
11 -
12 -
13 -

This scene with the blacks perfectly illustrates how RJ works: no planning, figuring out stuff on the whim. That's why we don't have all 13 names, that's why not all existing names get a second name.

To Egeanin comes a Seeker of Truth. He doesn't have an angry sword though, so it is "entirely fine, no ripoff, it is inspiration". Eat your shiort, WoT-community.

Rj runs some BS trying to distort the name of coffee.

The nazi has a captured sultan (the sultans, a muslim controls demons - that's racist by the way), and bumped into the info the wamen core characters, that they can be leashed too. This somehow shakes her worldview. No idea in which direction though.


Team C bumps into Domon, who reveals doing smuggling for the war-struck city. He now has many ships, but it's all good and dandy, because he donates to the poors' kitchen too.

Elayne gets drunk, and remembers Thom. So the full backstory RJ set up is this:
Thom was the lover or Morgese, and Elayne is actualy HIS daughter. The husband figured this out, wanned to kill the queen, Thom was faster, then his niece occured with the magic madness problem so he went there, the queen thought this was confession of murder, thus declared death sentence.
THIS can constitute using dozens of pages to Thom's backstory. And can be used later for a hearty reunion, what'd barely consitute having Thom in play still. Fits the Play of Houses frame too.
Next day she'll have a memory-lapse.

Ninive goes dreamworld, and meets with a legendary (dead) hero.

The gurls have a whole network at their hand by the way, as the hunter asked around the local lowlives, and Domon has his workers and such. Thom is entirely redundant. 


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