The Shadow Rising Chapters 22-29

 Chapter 22 Book 4
Rand's newest horse is called ~Jaden. That's a bit unfortunate, at least for me that always recalls a certain Mr. Smith...

Team A teleports.

Oh, and the magical 13 again: 13 aiel tribes. Well, that was mentioned before. Anyway, I won't collect those. One is: I really don't care, they are like nations. If one becomes important, that'll be enough. Second: the aiel system really gets complicated, and I leave that to those insanes who get fan to these ... not good books. I won't do ALL their work.  


Chapter 23-26 Book 4
Team A arrives,
Rand volunteers to go in. The aiels tell him that his father was aiel,. Like anyone cares.
Matt volunteers too, and him not being aiel at all causes some rucus.
There's a tribe, the shaido, and they really sound trouble ("they are like cpolins" etc.), their spokesperson is certain Couladin. A guy from them is already in the magic city, as their leader just died.
Aviendha is sent in, we learn there are practicaly the same artifacts like used for the aes sedai initiation, but obviously here is no baptism, that being simply xian propaganda, and these native american barbarians are pagan scum, or something.
Egwenne is told temporarily not to go Dreamworld.
Moiraine is ... arranged to go in.
Here is the weird part: all male enter fully clothed, all woman nakked. Pervy.


R&M see Aviendha run ahead.
Rand magics some water from the natural conatiners from below the ground, millions of decaliters, this is a Dune ripoff. (My cat ate my original notes here, and this didn't turn out as elegant as the original, but whatever.)
There is a Tree of Life here. Where is the Tree of Knowledge? Ah, it is the same story here (via mixing in some buddhist tale).
Rand goes into the "heart of the city", in the meanwhile Matt finds a tangreal like the Answering Machine. Enters. Finds fox-people in there. They do not answer question. Maybe fulfills needs? Matt wants to fill the gaps in his memory. And to get away from the One Poower (and aes sedai). And get back to Rhuidean? But here a price should have been named too? I told ya these things would need manuals.


Rand sees the building of Rhuidean. Out of necessity. What's with the no sword policy? The aiels were protectors?
Rand sees the split of the aiels and the jenn-aiels.
Rand sees the birth of the Lance Maidens. And the jenns are absolute pacifist? Then they are gypsies. At last the gypsiues have connection to the world. "Only" took FOUR BOOKS. Also, this is a DUM PART, because we just seen Rand solving a very complex political, economical, militar situation - but he can't connect the dots now? He is intentionaly dumb?!
...some more stuf...


...some more visions of the past...
Rand sees the creation of his-now magic sword?
And a question: where are all the vehicles mentioned? Those are not magic, but TECHNOLOGY. At least the cars? Or the VERY least fuel-technology?! RJ again wanned to be cool, but did not think things through.
And I guess we got what the "song" the gypsies are after. Not an actual song, but some humanoid plant-race that sings the songs. This is still no explanation what was the job of the gypsies, or how they failed with it, or why the pacifism.
When they digged out Mr. Satan, or whatever, they expected to find a New One Power? A Ready Player Two? Which both gender could use? What happened in the Original Prologue?
Btw, during this we saw, the aiel tribe leader wannabe didn't make it. The scene could have rise some tension IF the plot armor wouldn't be so thick on the party.

Te test is done, Rand sees Matt hanged on the Tree. Well, that can be the "die and live again" part.
Matt got out a silver medalion with a fox head, and a runed ~lance out of his deal.

Random Evil Bubble happens.  


Chapter 27-29 Book 4
Team B passes the passage, this time some trolls attack.
Exiting the lock the Gate by not placing back the key.

On the other side massive darkling presence is.
Perrin tries to find wolves thelepaticly, but there are none.


Perrin finds someone in Dreamworld who kills ghostwolves. Wanna bet Forsaken?


Rand's home is (still) in ruin, but his father is not amongst the rubble.

Perrin goes to Emmondsfield, there is informed his family is dead. Seemingly trolls. But Children are around too.
Rand and Matt's homes actualy got destroyed by the Children. And Fain/Ordeth/wassisname is with the Children.
The Children took the two family hostage.
The villagers are between two threat now: the trolls or the Children will finish them off in the end.
Also, here is some Lord Luc, calling himself Horn Hunter - but we know he is a Forsaken! Good. 


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