The Fires of Heaven Chapters 20-32

 Chapter 20-21 Book 5
A quetion: why is there a separation between men and wamen in this world? Aside real life christian misogyny of course.

Rand commands a holocaust, because that's "right and just". Fuck you.


Aviendha brings a basic magic sword to Rand. 'It needs to be re-forged' though. The LotR-element is obvious. The reference is not consistent. Until now Lan was Aragorn.  


Chapter 22-25 book 5
Matt is an alcoholic, and still useless. And again: recognising your flaw doesn't make it good.

Random troll attack happens.

I think RJ has a constant strougle with his amateurism. He tries to avoid patterns with so much effort it hurts, and it hurts more he report he attempts every time in the text.


There is no plot, there are no characters. I have no conhnection to this whole mess.


WTF r u talkin' 'bout? RJ willfully spitted gibberish here.
He also noticably repeats himself. It's no longer a reminder, it's whole paragraphs, or even pages copy&pasted from before.


This finding somebody's dream is a whole noew technic, on the conceptual level. I call retcon.

And at the end of this chapter there is some power-building for Moghedien - done wrong. Because unless she was sitting there all along, she can have no idea on what she tells she got information on. It was by all account a trap, being activated alarmed Moghedien yadda, yadda, yadda. So this could not happend. Mr. Jordan became lazy.  


Chapter 26-28 Book 5
You know, I've just watched a movie, Clint Eastwood's High Plains Drifter. It has a lot of similarities with this work, of course that's just good. Let me explain. The protagonist is an empty shell. We have no emotional connection to that, especialy after one of his act early on (later and historical context gives some excuse for it). We have no emotional connection to the other characters. The movie is about a no-name stranger (our synchrone is better, at one instance "calling" him Nothing, answering to the question "what did you say your name is?") saving a town from some bad guys, and we soon learn the citizens let a man murdered in cold blood in a brutal fashion, so we sympathise with none. But it is still people who did nothing wrong against people who did some hienous act, so we have the groundwork done.
Then turns out the bandits were employees of the city. And the dead man was the sherrif. And the sheriff actualy got in the way of the town, so they pretty much hired the thugs to dispose the guy. There were pretty much 2 person in the entire place who even thought interveaning, but had no power to do so, and didn't know how to.
And we see the bad men letting free after spending their time in prison, and do a bunch of ruthless stuff, like plain shooting some guy for their horses, without even asking, while they could probably just steal those horses at gunpoint.
Why do I talk about this.
Well, you see, while there is not a single character you feel fond of, the motivations are clear, and the separation of the good/bad side is clear from the beginning, even if it blurs and becomes abd and worse.
And the protagonist is the protagnoist, without any external agenda.
And the centraly mysterie is slowly built up.
And the situation is made more and more tense.

If Robert Jorden had written that movie, we'd have apaches attack at some point, and the core mysterie start with the town hiring the bandits to kill the sherrif, And we'd never have flashback, or POV-scenes with the bandits, only maybe some postman bringing the news, maybe wanted-posters that the evil ones did this or that. AND protagonist would be called Jesus.

I hope you see my point. Back to the show.

Logain has depression. We are told. He just doesn't ... do anything? It is hard to actualy tell, becaue the whole of Team D doesn't do anything, and if your ride on the road, it doesn't actualy matter if you constantly look for danger, or just stare ahead. Not narratively.
They reas Salidar, the blue ajah settlement.


I feel Roby tries to build a mirror-situation with the aes sedai to the aiels, only here the "good" guys are the minority. He probably read seomwhere that this is good and complex. It can be, but not in his untalented hands. Here it feels like an unnecessary comlicaiotn, entirely artificial, walking by checkpoints on an ever-changing list. This remembers me on Strange Frequency 2, that Jimy Hendrix segment - which I'd like to watch again instead reading this!

On the sidenote, we can confirm, the aes sedai using all the appearing Fake Dragons, even the non-casters plot is dropped for good. There was like 2 instance in histry, both were True Dragons, and it is just to put some arbitrary blame on the red ajah - totaly unnecessary. Too bad, because it was a good concept.

Wow, the whole blue ajah, and even the whole aes sedai is depicted incompetent morons!

Oooh, now all Fake Dragons are tools of the aes sedai, but we must poison the well, and blame ALL of it on the red ajah! This is dumb and cheesey.
Oh, now all this is just Siuan's lie! Subverting the expectations, do we? Let me tell you this: you don't do that by dragging in mud yur story by forgetting a plotline, then retconning it, then retconning the retcon, then retconning the retcon of the retcon ,where nobody gives a shit anymore!
Oh, and RJ immediately retcons the retcons retcons retcon! What a twist!

A question: why does the aes sedai exist? I mean before the Breaking ye, clrar , useful part of society. but since then? they are not even like the Bene Geserit. Those were purly political. But we have a party of political agenda WITH X-MEN POWERS, but without the heroic acts. So why would the common folk care?
And that's a quetion of serious importance, because the main characters are supposed to be commonfolk, so they should care. But they are not effected by the aes sedai existing or not, and we are 5 book deep in the series, so we take notice of such things.

Gareth Bryne reach to Salidar too. And I seriously have to look in my notes, because Team C and D got mixed in my head, both being Wamen Not Doing Anything On The Road.

I'm sorry, but the last page of the chapter fells like they are talking with the guy standing in front of them! Astonishing.

And for a second let me analyse the situation of this wolrd.
EVERYONE is fighting for dictatorship. Rand, the Amyrlin Throne (both), each Forsaken, Mr. Satan if it exists, the nazis, the aiel/ferem folk... Some factions are subordinates, like the Sea Folk, or the gypsies, or unaffiliated: the werewolf are leading examples.
So what are the stakes here? One faction wins, all the others remain, and continue their power-strougle. The only way this world could step ahead, if Mr. Satan would win, that's the hard fact. He'd abolish all factions, and create the world totaly subervedt to it. All other options would be just continuing the bad status quo, going downward on the hill. That's not good writing.


Bryne becomes the man-at-arms of these sedais.  


Chapter 29-32 Book 5
I was expected Team A stop at Selean, and generaly travel with them, like we ded in the previous books. But nah, who needs that, they are season8ed to Eianrod. At least close to it.
Oh, it's not porting, just the two pieces of maps (mainland and aield lands) can not be matched. There are ratios-differences, and different settlements on overlapping parts.

This chapter is short, and mostly insignificant- aside a writer's mistake. We know Kadere has no idea who gave him the letter. But at the last line he now knows it was some woman. Yes, RJ's writing is this dumb.


Maybe this is the first occasion Rand's previous actions give him recognition. It's funny, it's well written - why can't the whole thing be something like this?

My problem is - of course I have a problem, you know me by now - that I'm more interrested in what happened to the army, Rand sent here? Did they do their job? How is the order, what is the governmental situation, did the Lords turn on each other, or did funny business, are they still here, how they relate to the shaido siege... I have all kinds of question RJ does not bother to touch.

Aaand here is some inconsistency for you: the soldiers arrived say Cairhien stood 3 days ago (p612 at me). A couple pages later (p616 at me) they say it took 7 days to get to Rand's position.
So, which one Mr. Jordan? 3 or 7 days? How many animals of each "kind" was sent to the boat?


Aviendha just breaks up the fabric of reality and teleport. World-consistency to the trashbin.


What skirt?

And why Rand don't do a thrid kind of teleport himself? He had no problem doing that until now, and he did it many times.

And you seriously say the guhrls did not tell how to disable a nazi leash? 


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