The Eye of the World chapters 31-40

 Chapter 31
 Team A hops on some carts, otherwise pretty much beggars.
But you know, while Team B is useless and disjointed from the story, it at least exists unlike Team C, and at least on paper gives some time to Perrin. Matt doesn't even has this.
And none gets any character-development anyway, so giving this book so many pages is a waste of resources. Character development? They don't even have character!

Oh, Matt's dagger! First, some chapters ago Rand LIED that he didn't know Matt took the dagger from not-Moria. Because we were explicitly told he did see it. But Rand is kinda not capable lying, so this was an inconsistency.
Why do I bring this up: Matt definitely seem to have gotten some curse from the dagger.
Well, now he is the Dagger Guy. What a "deep character", eh?

So Team A passes some villages, which don't even have names, and the whole thing is mentioned in like one line. Why is this part here? Through pages? Do it in one line, maybe a paragraph, and hop to somewhere where things will happen!

Some randm peasant girl gets into Rand. That harem slowly builds.

They pass some more village, this time they remembered they lernt some showmanship, so things get tolerable. 
Chapter 32
Team A gets into a slightly bigger village, so they can show some negotiation-skill. Finaly some much needed actual conversation.
They end up in a shady inn, where the innkeeper tries to mug 'em. They see this from miles away, but they are desperate for some food and shelter.
Also some dandy comes in, and despite all indication from RJ otherwise, he is truly an unknown NPC. Like it turns out he came from Town #1.
Everyone turns out to be darkfriend just to top things. So Rand just subconscious-magicks their way out.  


Chapter 33
Team A again passes some nameless village, along this they encounter certain Hyam Kinch. Why bother mentioning this name? Just wait for it, you'll see.
Matt is half-blind from Rand's lightning during this.

The team separates from Hyam, as he reached home. They are "2 days" from Caemlyn/Camelot, though will be slowed by Matt's blindness.
They pass some more village. Mostly on cart.
In one of the villages a darkfriend tries to convince them to come to the dark side, they of course pass.
Matt starts to get back his vision.
Now Rand gets "sick". We of course know this is magical backlash from the lightning.

At the end of the chapter they AGAIN run into Hyam Kinch. You see the problem.
There is a very minor detail hough, where some peasant gives them scarfs. This both happens in Chapter 31 and 33, so it is MAYBE a tale through flashback, but if it is so, these are the most bad written chapters I'v EVER read. Because there is no implication of flashback happenning, AND the sequence of events do not match up.

A quick recap of events:
- some peasant gives them some scarf. When recalling getting they are told to travel on some cart, but no mention on whose cart.
- then they get into Fourkings, Matt gets blinded
- then they meet with Hyam while Matt is half-blind
- then they meet the solo darkfriend peasant
- then they get the scarf
- then they meet Hyam.
This just doesn't add up, there is no marking of recalling events, they don't tell it to anyone, there is nothing happening, and the only sign anything is not told linearly is a name repeated which we have hundreds of already (ok, one hundred), and the scarf-giving which is a non-event. Also, the fact this strectches through 3 chapters, and lacks anything of significance. And spoiler alert: I know not a single time this kind of thing would ever happen again.
Why did RJ do this? This is some Onision-level of bad writing.
Chapter 34
Because of the too many encounters with darkfriends Team A falls back to suffering hunger. They pass more Nameless Villages Where Nothing Happens. They get very tired, but at least get obviously closer to Town #2.

Question: Jordan had some fetish for innkeepers?

We get yet another loredump. Mostly we learn that the local government is a matriarchy, who traditionaly learns at the aes sedai, though the whole country hates the mages. And some ages ago they pissed off the aiels, who are trehuggers with a sword.  


Chapter 35
Team A reaches Town #2, and go to the inn Thom told them about. The conact is there and recieves them with open arms.
Rand in the meantime covers his magic sword by accident the colours of the faction siding the queen. The opposing Trumpist party is though the bigger, and in gain of momentum, the flat-Erath-believers.
We get in the tavern some too-late exposition/background on Thom: he was the lover of the Queen once, then turned out his nephew is a mage, so he went there to help, too late, and in the meantime got banished out of spite. This is like the Black Widow film: too little, too late. Not that I did not like Thom, but he's deaad now, and even if not, how this info would effect anything him not being present?  
Chapter 36
I start to ask where is Team B and C? Will Matt do anything or keep being depressed? Hey, look, an ogre! He is funny. The race though now lives in some pocket-universe or something. Something to do with the sheddings. It's fine, I don't need more detailed explanation. The ogre also reminds us that Rand is an aiel/elf changeling. Then we get some exposition how Rand is special.  


Chapter 37-38
Team C reaches Team B. Chapter #37 did not need to be its own chapter, just because in the middle of the scene we change PoV. Just leave a line skipped next time. This is a standard scar-away-the-horses western scene, only with medieval crusaders.
And we get informed the crusaders have an inquisition too.

The rescue comes just in time too, as Perrin being werewolf makes them to be carried to Crusader Capital, while the crusaders want to go Camelyin to meet an appointment, so they decide to arrange a "they tried to escape" incident.  


Chapter 39
So, Caemlyn is at the brink of civil war, because the christians want to abolish the secular government. How typical. Most of the real world issues are caused by this very reason.

Rand goes to see the carnival of Logain. Matt stay in the inn cursed. Rand gets a good spot, but there appears the Mad Beggar, and RJ tries to make a mysterie out of his identity. How dumb Robert thinks his audience is? Either way Rand runs to the alleys, and when safe climbs a fence, and he just found the right spot.

The scene has several problems, like: we don't feel the impact Logain the false dragon being a big deal, because we never seen him in action, or his actions effecting our party. We neither have reason to feel him a threat, as ye, ye, there was the breaking of the world, but we seen the myths highly exeggarated. The event also seems no effect on the plot at all either.  

Chapter 40
Rand falls down, turns out this is the fence of the local palace, the Queen's children being inside. One of them os Sir Gawayne, the other is Sir Galahad. All three is depicted kinda ok, though Galad (is this a coincidence being derived from Galahad, or another hungarian connection?) is extremly rule-obeying, thus easily problematic, depicted to the point it is a setup for later turning him on the dark side.

Rand gets discovered by some guards, and brought before the queen and her mage - and nothing of any significance happens in this chapter either. 


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