The Fires of Heaven Chapters 11-19

 Chapter 11 Book 5
Team D probably had Sleipnirs to be in Lugard now.

Btw, probably should have noted at a better place, but I have no idea how this civilisation did not collapse yet. Why? Well, copper coins pretty much went out of use a couple of books ago because all the war, no food plantation and trasportation. It's like the whole world is living in Cuba, or something.

Siuan goes to the local spy, because RJ is into that shit this time. The info is, the blue ajah is going to Salidar. RJ shits on your head not helping it is in Altara/Amadicea.  


Chapter 12 Book 5
Gareth Byrne. Why?
We could safely skip thos short chapter you think. Nothing to add here, you'd think. Well, fuck you, we are subverting expectations here!

So, we get how Byrne got sent away. THREE YEARS AGO.
Siuan Sanche went to CAEMLYN, and arranged some border-dispute plus sheeps.
You see what I have to work with here? Do you see? Do you see this UTTER GARBAGE NONSENSE RETCON WTF FUCK THIS, WHY EVEN BOTHER?  


Chapter 13-17 Book 5
Team C meets a runned down circus and Ninive is a dick to them.


Time to talk about the nudity in the series. It starts to get uncomfortable even for me, who doesn't give a fuck.

A thing about Dreamwalking. Why don't they "go" to Tar Valon and, dunno, read some papers on the desk of the Throne? Humans are not in the Dreamworld, but that you can circumgo. But hese characters are MDE TO BE dumb, soo the plot can happen.


So, ninive DO go to the Tower to investigate.

Oooh, finally some real weird shit happens, and the Dreamworld will be the danger everyone claims to be?
Oh, no, that's just a character who wish the Dreamworld would be dangerous attcking Ninive to prove her point. Well, fuck you, you lying bitch.

At least they find out who the new Throne is.

And THIS is why the natural develéopment of Ninive was thrown in the trashcan? THIS? This utter garbage, another flimsy idea to spend a hundred more page with? They payed by characters, or Jordan really didn't care about the quality of his writing, and his wife said why work on this shit if people eat it? there is no redeeming quality in this volume.


Egwenne level up or some shit, I dun care anymore.

We are reminded that this is the 5th book, and still have zero idea what the grey ajah does.

but one important thing in the 15th chapter: Balzamon is a Forsaken now!

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear (Mierin)
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain) <--- (dead*, book 3)
4 Aginor <--- (dead, book 1)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead, book 1)
6 Demandred
7 Luc <--- (retconned in book 4)
8 Isam <--- (retconned in book 4)
9 Sammael <--- (Illian)
10 Asmodean (Joar Addam Nesossin) <--- (cut, book 4)
11 Be'lal <--- (dead, book 3)
12 Ravhin <--- (Caemlyn)
13 (dead, book 2) <--- (retconned in book 4)
14 Moghedien
15 Graendal
16 Mesaana
17 Ba'alzamon


So, this team COULD go right away to the blues, but RJ OBVIOUSLY has some crappy idea he thinks is genious, and wants to spend a thousan pages with that spinoff filler nonsense, so Ninive simply "doesn't remember yet".

Galad, Elayne's half-brother joined the Children. Like I give a fuck.
But ya know, this many pages in, I think we can finaly not worry much about an expanding cats. There's our 12-20 regulars, and the rest can be like filtered out as background noise. At least I hope so.
They run away.

Masema, the Prophet of Rand still exists.

Elayne reveals she remembers Thom bein her mother's lover. Ok, so we retcon the whole thing about Thom now? Ye, fucking your mother's boyfriend - that'll be sooo much better
But ya know what? Let's say, nothing Jordan built up through all these books. Zilch. Why do we spend time on this thing again? What's the big reveal here? That Robert Jordan is a bad writer AND a perv?


Aaand we spend more time on this daddy-issue. Ye, if your plotline doesn't work, double down on it! Neil Breen would be proud.

The party joins the circus.
Ugh. Seems Jordan wants to create a character out of Alundra the fireworkess, and here is another nazi called Cerandin.  


Chapter 18 Book 5
The Blacks reside in Amador. Moghedien gives them orders.

1 - Liandrin
2 - Chesmal Emry
3 - Rianna Andomeran
4 - Joiya Byir <--- (dead)
5 - Amico Nagoyin <--- (dead)
6 - Temaile Kinderode
7 - Eldrith Jondar
8 - Marillin Gemalphin
9 - Jaine Caide
10 - Asne Zeramene
11 - Berylla Naron
12 - Falion Bhoda
13 - Ispan Shefar

Ok, we have all 13, but why Liandrin has only 1 name?
Chapter 19 Book 5

Ok, so the story of Thom is AGAIN changed. He is no longer the lover of Morgase AFTER her husband died, but EVEN BEFORE she got on the throne, as he was (the) one who put here on it!
So maybe Thom killed the husband frm jealousy, Thom is a pathetic male who deserves to be punished.
Besides that, Morgese knows there is a trouble with her, "but males can not be casters, so duh!", which coming from someone who won the Play of the Houses as a 16 years old, is dangerously dumb. She should accept the fact Gaebril is a "false dragon", or even luck it out and say FORSAKEN! But even if we want to stretch it, she should come up with THIS solution: he has a female caster!
Her logic could only apply if she knew for certain Gaebrily is the caster causing her trouble, which she does not, AND know how the male magelings maddenining happen - which not even the aes sedai know -, AND had no knoledge about the existence of the Forsakens!
The whole series just collapsed before our eyes, loosing all form of stbility. ANYTHING can happen, like who can say Rand won't turn to be a cactus, and the REAL dragon isn't female? Of colour, and transgender lesbian? You can't, and that's the point.
Here is shown no character consistency, no lore consistenc, no wrld-consistency, no stroy consistency! Why bother reading further? I'm not even angry with htis shit anymore. I had every reason, YOU have every reason to stop right here andnow, and never look back 
In the meantime, let's see what Rahvin does: made a law which prevents absolute tyranny, gives rights to the leople, and introduces the rule of law! What a monster! :sarcasm:
Why exactly should we fight these people? Because they are fighting an opressive force, their army tries to avoid collateral damage, and we know like jack shit about their goals? Well, exctly my point.

Morgese escapes to Gareth Byrne (lol).

Fain (why did we return to this name?) steals back the Dagger, and escapes Tar Valon. 


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