The Dragon Reborn Chapters 1-9

 Chapter 1-5 Book 3
So, for some reason, Party B (Moiraine, Rand, Perrin - see the end of the last book) went a couple of miles away, then nested. This makes no sense, but I've seen worse.
A gypsie rides in the camp, one of the series of messengers for Moiraine.


Rand is frustrated. Moiraine made him The Dragon Reborn, because of prophecies, but she does not tell what the prophecies are, or how to fulfill them, or how to learn how to fulfill them.
He also had a magical accident with a powerscale, so he is worried.


One f the unlockables is the three wives of Rand. One will be Min.

The party learn what the children and darklings decided in the prologue of this book, and we have a new dark-unit: invisible assassins.


Perrin is visited by Lanfear in a dream. There is this constant theme for Perrin, being the unwilling killer. Axe of hammer, which you choose.


The party is attacked by darklings.
Perrin's main concern is the gypsie woman, who by the way looks pretty safe. Maybe that pacifism is somehow magic? Perring gets into trouble for his chivalry, and here is a great moment, where the gypsie decides to break the oath and tries to stop the dark unit, grabbing it, resulting in her death, but giving the chance to Perrin to turn the tide. This is undeniably a great moment, only we need to ustilise it, at least notice it and not throw it in the trashbin.
Or there is this moment where a pack olf wolves tear appart a myrdraal. Unfortunately this is straight GoT, I'd've made the last wolf cry for its pack, not this whole tragic victory thingy, but that's just me.

During the fight Rand got away, because of the running madness-theme. He got struck by the idea of droppin a mountin on the head of the enemy, lol.

Rand still has the wound from the end of Book 2.  


Chapter 6-9 Book 3
Rand walks away unannounced. Wanna guess where he went? You remember the magic sword, right? Which is named Callandor. Is that Kalandor? (hungarian word for adventurer)

I did not mention this yet, but there is a one-eyed soldier called Uno. That's insensitive.

Another soldier - MAsama - slowly goes mad, worshipping Rand/Dragon.

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
4 Aginor <--- (dead)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead)
6 Demandred
7 Luc
8 Isam
9 Sammael
10 Asmodean
11 Be'lal (obvious reference to Belial, another xian reference)
12 Ravhin
13 (dead)
So we have all of them named. Also, the text says "even the weakest of the Forsaken is stronger than 10 of the strongest aes sedai today". Just remember this bit.

Moiraine tells stuff about the prophecies, what recalls me another book, I paraphrase:
'A comicbook-writer draws his comic, and in one panel he writes "Wait for the sparkle of lightin the sanctity of the third mountain!" At this point of the story not even the writer has and idea what this means, or if it means anything. But it did sound cool, and none would complain if it gets forgotten.'
This is exactly how Jordan describes his prophecy-bits, which means to me there was no pre-planning. And these tidbits wouldn't be considered forshadowing even if there would have been pre-planning. Forshadowing works otherwise. Only undercultured people who didn't read enough would think this is forshadowing.

Oh, I should have told this a book ago, but if you wonder if the ogre still have his stuff: he didn't even bring back to the main dimension, so that went nowhere.

Min is sent to Tar Valon, but before that she warns Perrin is he meets [Selene], run.


here is some fishing


Rand causes an entire village to marry. Wether this is madness, magic, being tavern none can tell.
Team A finds a werewolf here who went too much to the wolf-side. Perrin releases him out of mercy. This gives some hint of risk to this faction. Unfortunately we still have zero idea what this faction is related to the world.
Seems Perrin in this book will find time to grow some personality.


Wolves are "of the Dream World". This is some magcal plane the aes sedai know of, and Egwenne, the Mary Sue of course has special affiliation to it.
In a dream Perrin meats the first wolf died in WoT, because why not. Then he bumps into Selen, does not run, and yet no harm done.

Rand is attacked by dark units, fends them off with magick. 


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