The Great Hunt Chapters 42-50

 Chapter 42-43 Book 2
Team B2 is running out of money.

And just a quick thought: all the powers of these nazis is mainly in the demons. But it'd be no issue for a gureilla-warfer to shoot down with crossbows all demon. Ye, sure, this is standard fantasy stuff, but still, just makes you think... #WeNeedBetterStories

Btw, Team B2 found the house they keep Team B1 captured.

Egwenne is made to be a Mary Sue. Remember she complained not having equal power in erath&fire with men? Turns out she has that too now, the little SJW papercut. Grow some personality instead, please.

The nazi practices turn to more and more sickening with the minute.


Team B2 meets with Min. They plan on escaping on ship. Finaly Domon will have some use?  


Chapter 44 Book 2
The Childrens we followed in this book arrive too, because the more the merrier or something. The somewhat sane, or at least logical leader of them tells his subordinate that bring news on the stiuation home, realising this attack on the senchean is a suicide-mission. The much needed news are: these are a new enemy, and they have battlemages. And that he does not like being used to create conflicts. He plans on writing a letter with all this, because he sees his subordinate is DUMB.

Yes, there are darklings in the area too.

From Team A only 5 goes forward, plus the ogre. Because of some prophecy, or stuff. And one of 'em will die. Obviously one of the two random soldiers from this book, no worry.  


Chapter 45-46 Book2
Ninive manages to unlock a leash on the street, so they have all tools for the rescue-operation. Even better, turns out the leash works on the sultans too.

Domon is readying his ship to get away.

Rand, Matt, Pering, the hunter, and Redshirt reach to a house Fain uses as HQ. They also see some nazi pet-monster, they were in the pocket-realm with Selene. Whatever. The guards did the basic mistake guarding only the fron door.

OH, yeah, let's mention this book is the first to contain see-though clothes for women. RJ was a perv.

The party finds the stuff. Why is again two artifacts in this story?
The party spots Team B, but they are spotted by the senchan, fight ensues. Most of them get away fast, but Rand is doing miniboss-fight. The guy is an expert, but Rand has proper basic ttraining PLUS he has the Force, so things balance out. Rand starts attacking with all remaining strength, the senchean's sword gets stuck in the walls, Rand wins.
The senchean minions commit suicide, because the plot says so. Pretty much could be an omage to In the Mouth of Madness, lol.

Redshirt makes Rand realise they have no time to waste here, have to leave the woman behind.


Team B frees Egwenne. They do some guesswork, and figure out the sultans are who can leanr using magic, but not born to use it inevitably. This is finaly some wolrdbuilding - of a faction we have ZERO connection to, shouldn't be in the book the first place.

RJ tries to find excuses for nazis here? I hope not.

Egwenne does not hink things through, and starts a magical attack. This would fit the personality of Ninive, but she wasn't the one captured. As these are literal nazis we still can justify the event... But thinking it this long, you must realise, all these people are here for what exactly? The guys did not need to get two artifacts, so Matt is entirely needless there. And the women are worse, because here are FOUR women, while 2 could have been enough: Ninive captured, and Min for the rescue, as the leashes turned out to be unlockable without magic. You just needed minnimal talent, and an editor to fix yur mess. This book had neither.

Anyway, the women run to the ship. Domon is even shown enforcing the order to stay, no matter what.

Chaos in the city, the Children starts their attack.

Turns out Redshirt opened the gates way-back at the start of the book. Doesn't actualy matter, and he is not really a traitor, just accepted a bribe, and the chance to live. He now will make a Last Stand to buy time for Team A to get away.  


Chapter 47-48 Book 2
Senchean one side, Children the other, Team A in the middle.
Where is Padan Fain, I ask.

Matt blows the Horn.

One thing we have to call attention before you'd think here is a battle to enjoy: remember the head-Child wanned to write a letter? Well, that NEVER HAPPENED. This is just an unforgivable writer's mistake.

The summoned dead heroes supposed to be the dead army from Two Towers? Maybe. Doesn't really work, they are barely a handful. Feels different. Like the army from the Eternal Champion... Nah, that's naaah...

Also turns out worrying for the Horn was needless, as it does not work without the Flag. Which they of course have (was in the Eye if you remember).

The remaining part of the battle is very wishy-washy, but somehow Rand (again) fights Satan.

I have a theory: Lewis Therin is not simply reborn as Rand, but all three of Rand, Matt and Perrin.

Well, there was the "put the sword in the scabbard" thing. I thought it'll be used in the last book, but it is used here. Was there ANY pre-planninng, or the story was supposed to end in like every volume, ever in doubt the publisher will order a continuation? Was there a will for continuation the first place? When did RJ cathed livelihooditis?


Uhm, how was the endboss here Satan? What happened with Fadan Pain? Why is Domon leaving without Team B?
This book is a mess. Anyone thinking this is acceptable on any level is brain damaged or something.

Team B finds Rand, who now has the 2nd bird-branding.
There is no body of a Forsaken, but obviously we pull one out of the list, because SOMETHING was defeated.

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
4 Aginor <--- (dead)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead)
6 Demandred
7 Luc
8 Isam
13 (dead)

Oh, and Rand's magic sword got destroyed. So let's see, how can we continue the story? What magical mcguffin is still out there for the taking? You don't say the only srtifact we know of is the Untouchable Sword in Tear? "No way!" - Bill&Ted

Min reveals to have daddy-issues.

Selene reveals herself to be Lanear to the part of the audience who has attention-issues, or IQ under 40.

The Children Who Was Sent To Deliever The Letter Never Written, Else The Plot Can Not Happen runs to spread misinformation out of fanaticism induced hatered.  


Chapter 49-50 Book 2
Team B is with Rand and Moiraine, wainting him to recover. Team A rides back to Tar Valon.

We hear about how the other seen the fight between Satan and Rand: "You fough in the skies". What a bullshit nonsense. But I know it is worse than bullshit: it is a ripoff.
Also, it is confirmed it was NOT Pdain Fain, he got away. The whole buildup of this volume collapses spectacularly every second. The chase did not work, the journey was without events, all stops were red herrings, and the ending just threw out everything on the window. Maybe RJ realised Padan is too good a character to "waste" here - doesn't save the decision.

Ah, Perrin is here too. And Loial.

The last chapter shows how myth work, and only one thing is certain: Rand gained infamy.

Now let's talk about that "fight in the sky" thingy. I know what this was ya know. We know Robert Jorden like to rip off things, has was a fanfic-artist, and not a good writer. We saw that, we know that. Now there is a book that has that scene in it, and several other items fits in the picture too: the "darkside" (chaos) twsted humans into animal-men. The many-voice substance that want to swallow you to add to its pool. The Horn (plus flag) that summons the dead. And especialy this giant(s) in the cloud moment.
Hey, you know what question I have? Here is the Horn. Why not just blow it and conquere the whole planet? What prevents it? Because as far as I can tell - NOTHING. Unlike their original counterpart, these have zero restriction neither by power-limitation, or coming from personality. One factor being the characters have no personality. Compare the Horn to the Eye of Rynn and the Hand of Kwll. That worked. Robert Jordan tried to copy&paste them, but he was too inferior a writer to pull it out.
You're not convinced? Let's talk about this God in the Sky moment. I KNOW where it comes from: the Swords of Corum, book 2, Queen of Swords. Lady Xiombarg shows up in the sky at the end of that book, the BBB of that novel, and prepares to cut the heroes in half (heck, the entire planet is she has to). But she is topped in the sky by an unexpected move.
So you don't get the ending? No wonder, because it is ripped off from an actualy good book, and glued here without a second thought. 


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