The Dragon Reborn Chapters 32-40

 Chapter 32 Book 3
Most of the chapter is exposition-dump on national deals. Wake me up if what a nation does will turn to be important aside the general feeling chaos spreads.
Now there is a little bit of tidbit though, namely a new noble in Tear, named Samon, none knows about before. Who wanna bet he is a Forsaken?

And ok, now these attacks are obiously targetted, must be darkfriends.

Rand still exists, and likely his 2nd wife will be Elayne.  


Chapter 33-36 Book 3
Team A finds Rand keeps leaking magic.
The party reaches the city of Remen, where an aiel got caputred by some laudmouth.

Perrin meets someonw who by description could be Lanfear - again no reaction, no consequences.


There are rumours about a prophet of ... the Dragon. RJ again tries to be clever, but we know it is Masema. Crap, RJ doesn't even try this time, immediately reveals the identity in the next paragraph.
But you know where RJ could have hit something? With the yin/yang breakup. It's 99.99% sure a coinsidence, but just think for the fun of it. The aes sedai's symbol is a white light, symbolising the White Tower stands for the wamen, and ONLY for the wamen. While we know, that magick is best when both gender works together. Though we are yet to see a gay character. Not to mention trans. How that would work in this system... Likely LGBT+ cann ot exist in this universe, being xian culture. Either way, there is Mr. Satan with his "dragontooth", smybolizing the male half. Here the problem is more complicated than for the aes sedai, because how tooth work, meaning the symbol actualy should be mirrorred? So we get fangs? Ya know, the snake/serpent of xians? Aside that, it is like Mr. Dark Lord is trying to replace the female side with the male side, not simply eliminate theother part of the yin-yang symbol.
This I find an interresting thought-experiment, but I very much doubt RJ was capable for such depths.

Rand is going on barefoot, but aided by magick, that's how keep ahead. The party will try to cut ahead traveling on water, but this doesn't seem likely to me.

Perrin releases the aiel. They talk, and Perrin shows half a brain revealing the aiel's Choosen One and the Dargon are both Neo... I mean Rand. The aiel tells how he got captured, and yes, laudmouth lied about an army of 'em being defeated, they were only two. The scene is good though, as they get noticed, to show the aiel are really that good of a fighters as told. Finaly some show don't tell.


The party moves away fast, on ship. A new character joins up, a Hunter of the Horn, but that's actualy irrelevant, she is the love-interrest for Perrin. She is very dominant, Perrin is tall enough, and muscular, but also very slow and not very socializing, so for my account I entirely believe this romance.
The girl/woman's name is Mandabarr, that's what she chose for herself. Funny thing is, one of the party's horse has the same name. She was born Zarine (and is obviously a noble, at least, running from arranged marriage). They might settle for Fail, which is her nickname from her father.


Perrin dreams, and observes a conversation between Mr. Satan and Lanfear. I get the feeling most of Mr. Satan's power comes from being able to fully utilize the Dreamworld, what he has access mostly through Lanfear. A mild suspicion: Lanfear can be her own agent? A third party? Or at least her interpretation of her oath, serving the Dark Lord relies on this being a title above else?

Rand realises he met the real Perrin in ... dream?, which is a realitycheck for him. Maybe. Because then he murders a bunch of people seemingly out of paranoia.  


Chapter 37-39 Book 3
The Scooby Gang's ship gets stuck on a sandbed.
They decide to continue on land.


They bump into some Random Aiel. Let's talk about the situation, because it starts to be obvious ripoff. The aiel handle aes sedai as bene geserit, and they are pretty much fremens with desert-homland, special clothes, being zealous supersoldiers.
These ... aiels have a wounded, so ask for healing, recognising magelings.


These not-fremens even brought their catchphrase from Dune "My water is your water". And I didn't een read the books, just watched the movie(s)!

Btw, the aiel culture parts are absolutely fine, no complaint there, but they remain a fremen ripoff.

Seems there is a whole other set of prophecies going on at the aiels (similarly to Dune, again) along the Carathean Cycle.

We get confirmation, that Rand is of the aiel.

Scooby Gang gets captured by Random Bandits. Whose leader fast realise they got magelings, and unconscious magelings cast no spells. But they did not listen on herbology, so the Scooby Gang gets free. Chaos ensues when the aiels arrive, and some myrdraal to buy the trio of wamen, who starts to blast spells...
We see a new spell: everfire, or whatever. It's practicaly laser.
The ironic part is, the aiel Ninive just healed up, gets killed during the fight.
The parties gain mutual respect.
Also comes up, that the aiels have dreamwalkers, so Egwenne will surly go to them.

The Scooby Gang board another ship.  


Chapter 40 Book 3
Matt no longer suffers from the magical hunger.
They are in Camelyn, where the war caused everyone accumlate in the city.
Then they bump into a firework-maker, save her from the guild, get a pack of explosives out of it. 


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