The Dragon Reborn Chapters 10-20

 Chapter 10-15 Book 3
Team B bump into some Children. At last we find out why no diplomatic connection exists between the two facions: the Children are too agressive, the aes sedai too secretive for their own good, and both are control-freaks.
Aaand they just made an enemy from the previous book's children captain's son.


Team B reaches Tar Valon. The soldiers continue back to Fal Dara.


Hm, the Amyrlin Throne is part of all seven ajah? This means she is part black ajah? That's what our current knowledge tells us.

Again, there is no reason why not use the Horn continuously now. They just put it on some shelves. Why does it exist? Volume 2 would have worked the same way just with the knife.

Yes, the sencheans went back to nowher they came from. They can be brought back, but what for? How are they connected to this whole mess? Isn't WoT supposed to be about fighting Satan? What happened in the Original Prologue? Why wasn't the Original Prologue just told as a myth in the story of Rand? Instead it derives Rand to a side-character, almost meaningless. And we just don't get the real story, set up in the Original Prologue. And no, I won't stop complaining about this.


You know, here is a question: feudal lords stole the skill of reading and writing from the priests in the middle ages sending their staff to learn there during the first 1-2 years, and quit before going to the "advanced" years, where the brainwashing happens and tehology comes into play. Why none does the same? Go through the aes sedai training, and quit before the last oath! Now you are free of aes sedai, AND have magick!

While they were away, Liandrin and 12 other, all obviously black ajah, left Hogwarts, and took a bunch of tangreal, the aes sedai have no clue on most of it what they do.

There is this constant theme with Tar Valon, that anything you don't learn there, shall be annihilated. There are serious problems with this organisation.

Elayne's mom gets more and more distanced from Tar Valon. Thought someone might care.


We learn that Ninive is powerful, but still can do the most basic thing, get magick whenever you want.

Siuan want to play Dumbledoor with Ninive and Egwenne, so Egwenne gets promotion soon.
Ya know, this book is kinda good. Not great, far from it, but good. Gets your attention. It's a wonder what happens when stuff actualy happens in your book, and they have sense, non?

N and Egg also gets some You Can Do Anything paper from the Throne. Just in case.


An Invisible Assassin attacks, looses, but there is more.  


Chapter 16-20 Book 3
This chapter's things is only we already know. It's not bad, not at all, but shows why these book are so long.


more recap. If I have to mention something of this, that the Throne considered let Matt die, so the Horn can be passed to someone under control.


Matt is healed cia group-magic, because that's a thing too.

Question, and this could have been asked back when Rand touched the dagger too: why they don't use a piece of cloth to not touch that thing directly?


Matt wakes up, has even more amnesia.
Occasionaly speaks some ancient language.
Has magical hunger.
Ah, so now the black ajah is the 8th ajah, the 7th is the grey. Why we have no clue what the colours mean? At least RJ realised his mistake of 6 ajah, the black being 7th.
MAtt stays greedy, but looses his trickster-attitude to being selfish. You could say this is some chharacter development allowed by the situation, until you realise he gains gambling-addiction in place of his juggler-training, which means he just got retconned.


Matt is visited by... Lanfear? Yep.

Maybe there is a free will vs predestination theme all through - but given this is The Only ONe timeline, it'll be hard to pull out of anything frm this. 


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