The Shadow Rising Chapters 51-58

 Chapter 51-52 Book 4
Domon encounter Egeanin, and recognizing the nazi acts accordingly. Unfortunately the wamen saves her being dead. Because they are wamen, she is wamen, and that's an istophob manchild who worth nuttin. Or something. Critics will LUV this show. I already hate it.

Everyone reports the blacks ar in the palace of the panarkha.


Ninive goes Dreamland, and expresses beinf a nazi-sympathiser.

We get that bringing someone to your dream is dark magick.
Instead she is teached a technic how to find what she needs but doesn't know what it is.

1 - Liandrin
2 - Chesmal
3 - Rianna Andomeran
4 - Joiya Byir <--- (dead)
5 - Amico Nagoyin <--- (dead)
6 - Temaile Kinderode
7 - Eldrith Jondar
8 - Marillin Gemalphin
9 - Jaine Caide
10 - Asne Zeramene
11 -
12 -
13 -

Ninive learns the panarkha is anything but darkfriend (she is captured and tortured by 'em).
Ninive encounters the legendary hero, who explains that when the Horn is blown, they are like immortal, because they are dream-material on real-material plane. Why isn't the Horn utilized better?
Titledrop! But I see now shadow rising anywhere, so these are empty words, another breaking of the rule show don't tell.
There is a Seal along the leash-for-males.  


Chapter 53 Book 4
Team B's village is still under pressure. Food slowly starts to become an issue.

Someone is brought into the camp. They take ther time to get there. When they get there turns out none sent for healer, so Perrin does. They finaly have time for the man who has a bloody arrow stuck in the middle of his chest. The man utters the wors "we are cumming." and dies. That was pointless. Come to think of it, maybe this is a reminder that the ogre went away like a century ago?
Hey, there comes the ogre! Well, a quetion: how long were they out, and how did they were not found by any troll? There is literaly like a thousand troll in the vicinity, coming throw that friggin Gate. So... this was impossible.
Luc cuts in, that this is only 1,000 orc... Pardon, wrong franchise, I ment troll of course.
Perrin goes Dreamland. This leads to enother encounter with the Dark Hunter. Perrin manages to hurt it. Of course when he wakes up turns out Luc is hurt, and now on the run.

We didn't actualy learnt anything from Perrin's dream-journey about the size of the army, the whole thing is wishy-wahy and contradictory. Perrin sends Fail away anyway "to bring reinforcements".
P and F marry.  


Chapter 54-55 Book 4
Team C goes into the panarkha's palace as food-suppliers. As cover they made the men to spread some fake news, creating protests.

Ninive fights Moghedien. You remember way-back-when they said, the weakest of the Forsakens is stornger than 10 of the strongest current aes sedai? Well, fuck consistency!
And here is what I said: do not neglect using physical objects. I she had had a dagger for example, Mogheiden had been toast already. N puts away the Seal. 3 destroyed, 1 at Moirain, 1 here out of 7. This is when one of the blacks attack with the laser-wand.
EVERYONE escapes - well, this was pointless, just like Luc. Setup and payoff? Fuck that!


Ninive wants to send back the Seal to Tar Valon. MEdieval times. No interrest in other countries, no postal service either as far as we can tell...
As for the leash they ask Domon to sink it in the sea. Well, this was artificial and pointless.

The nazi is i love with Domon, and the feeling is mutual - what could go wrong?  


Chapter 56 Book 4
So, against Team B trolls are coming from opposite directions.
Here comes a Last Battle. Remember this is a LotR fanfic, or started to be, so what is this? The battle in Helm's Deep!
The plan is, if the trolls break in, the kids run to the forest. The bigger ones, 13-14, will carry the real small ones. The gypsies join them.
the Children are at place. They are remembered of their duty and honor. They even come up with an ad-hoc battle plan, to move around half of their troops.
This is really set up as a mini last battle of humanity, just like Helm's Deep.

Oh, I was worrying we don't have a Forsaken now. Here is Isam!
The stakes are made, the bets are layed - let's beginn!
But remember: 500 troll is nothin. 1,000 troll would reach the fences. 1,500 troll would have a chance in the village. 5-10K would wash away the locals.
Of course not counting the Children.
Let's see how it goes.

Yep, they already reached the defenses. The melee begins.

Thing is a mess. Weren't we promised a two-way siege? Fail to see that. Also promised battle tactics. Where are the Children?
There is an aes sedai throwing fireballs...
Things get desperate, the women fill up the ranks.

What is this bullshit that "if the wamen are here, where are the children"? Your fucking plan was the women to fight, and the children to run away on their own, with the gypsies!
This is not Helm's Deep, this is a fraud. The scene collapses under the lack of pre-planninng, and failing to deliver what was set up. What was promised.

Then someone is attacking the trolls. Ye, reinforcment! Ok, so not the ogre, but this was mentioned by the dying messanger. Waaay too Helm's Deep. It's a ripoff now. A BAD ripoff!!
AAAND we get ANOTHER reinforcement? One was not enough? This is crap. Utter garbage. Not even the most basic editing work was done here. The volume started promising, it accumlated mistakes, and here the whole thing just collapsed.
AND to add insult to injury, no Forsaken got defeated either, so it was not just bad on every level, but also mostly pointless. The mostly goes for ye, this is Rand's town of origin - WHICH HE NO LONGER CARES. No plan to return, really like 0.1% interrest rate in general, a heavy shrug if it gets lost at best.

The Children show up, of course they did not participate in the battle - yet another deadly mistake from the writer's part.
People tell them to piss off.

Oh, ye, Ordeith still exists. His ragtag gorde aim first Caemlyn then Tar Valon. No idea why, don't even care, this is trash.  


Chapter 57-58 Book 4
Team A reach the council-valley, where the shaidos already are, but as Rand brought a large number of troops (against tradition) with him, they can not block his participation.
Doubly turns out good that Rand did not wait, as Coulhadin tries to snatch the position of Muad Dib by being tattood in the local pearlor with two dragons, or something.
It falls back revealing what is in Rhuidean, and the tribe leaders confirm, the True Messiah is Rand. (The mein theme of the fremean/aiel prophecies conserning Neo is, he'll abolish old traditions.) This revelation causes a schism amongst the aiels, a large minority goes with the shaidos. But ONLY AFTER Paul atraides causes rain falling on Dune.

Lanfear reveals herself, and tells she brought Asmodean to teach Rand, but he is now in Rhuidean, looting for magic items.
Rand does ANOTHER type of telportation, magicks a wormhole to Rhuidean.


There both him and the Forsaken leaps for the same tangreal - which was made to use one of the only tow bigger than the magic sword sangreals. The other mega-megic-item is the female counterpart of this, and is on some island, its control-device being in Tanchico.
I dunno how this works, but you remember tangreals are useable literly by ANYONE? What were they thinking?!?
Anyway, until this yet another immersion-breaking writer's mistake, Rand and Asmodean both control exact half of the Deathstar, but turns out Rand has on him a small angreal, so gets the upper hand, and manages to... Cut Asmodean's connection, which is retconned here from being a Silver Cord-like thingy to a lot of barbed wires... Really, why bther reading this series further?
Either way, this can be now utilised to spread hoax Asmodean did this to himself, and he is mostly cut from magic in general, so he is now the teacher of Rand. At least tis volume achived something. Not much, not what it should have.

Oh, and Rhuidean's magick is now broken.
And Asmodean (another biblical reference) revealed Lanfear's original name, which actualy connects us to some backstory read in this very volume.Tha nem was mentioned in one of Rand's visions in Rhuidean, where the aes sedai digged out the Two Power.

Oh, so the female Deathstar's control device is NOT in Tanchico, but was also here. Ooook. Why set things up and create tension when you can flatline your story with conveniences and retcons?

They teleport back to the council.

And before finishing this volume, let's check the appendix, as this is the first time RJ tries to give all 13 Foraskens, and ADD them to our list. The reason you can't handwave the conflict of names is actualy the unnamed Forsaken in Book 2 where no body was even found. You could create some apologetics, that the other two are NOT EXPLICITELY said to be Forsakens, but how do you explain the already and either way terrible ending of Book 2? I'll not allow to just pretend it never happened!

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear (Mierin)
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain) <--- (dead*, book 3)
4 Aginor <--- (dead, book 1)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead, book 1)
6 Demandred
7 Luc <--- (retconned in book 4)
8 Isam <--- (retconned in book 4)
9 Sammael <--- (Illian)
10 Asmodean (Joar Addam Nesossin) <--- (cut, book 4)
11 Be'lal <--- (dead, book 3)
12 Ravhin
13 (dead, book 2) <--- (retconned in book 4)
14 Moghedien
15 Graendal
16 Mesaana
<--- (Caemlyn)
*one of them is dead for sure, might be another 


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