The Great Hunt Chapters 22-31

 Chapter 22 Book 2
Moiraine is in some random village with some super old superscholar aes sedai.
She also makes a final will. Will she die? Here is actualy a big insight to M, she arranges the happiness of Lan with Ninive. Of course this is manipulation, so Lan doesn't recognise what is going on and gets all pissy. Actualy, you get that M is just thinking as an aes sedai, so it's not even manipulation to her, this is just how she thinks. This is a great scene.

Then a draghkar comes, shielded by the black ajah, so Moiraine moves on. The chapter was an exposition-dump. That is not good writing.  


Chapter 23 Book 2
Initiation of Ninive. If you did not look it up, it is a biblical city, its story is spread through 3 books. It is a deviant, but in the end converts to God's belief. The pronounciation is very similar to Nynaeve (ninæve).
She has to face the three spirits of christmass, or something. First she is chased by Aginor and she blasts him, so the trialmaster warns her she should not use magic during the trial. Second she sees that the midwife she brought to Emondsville just ruined everything being selfish, evil, petty (or this is just some alternate reality, no obligation). Third she has to give up having children and a loving relation with Lan.

Between each step she gets baptised, because this bookseries is christian propaganda.  


Chapter 24 Book 2
Egwenne lives as novice. We don't get any magic stuff, she just do chores. It worked in Richard A. Knaak's Firedrake, here is just fluff.
And oh no, he makes a character from Elayne! We already have too many mage-apprentice, we did NOT need yet another!

We also learn, the female mages have this idea, that there are less mages nowdays because of genetics, and the work of the red ajah. This is a very unfortunate nonsense, because we know at this point female mages don't bar children. So this whole thing ends up blaming men, SJW-style. But I bet, given when this was written, RJ is too dumb even to be an SJW, and just wanned to have these gender-roles-swap, and disappearing magic because Tolkien had this later too, and just didn't think things through.

Oh, c'mon, even Else, that Random Peasant Girl is here nao?
And here is a Random Logain, ex-false dragon. Why is he important again?
And somehow Min ended up here too. You knw, SHE could be made a character, because her ability is so distinct. The problem is, we have 2 male main character who has nop characters, and 3 felmaes, plus Else, plus Min... This is just out of hand.

And Min is in Rand's harem now.

And Elayne brought her slepp, I mean brother and half-brother, because we sooo not needed more names.

Ya know what's weird about this ta'verne thing? It is an ogre word.  


Chapter 25-26 Book 2
Team A gets to Cairhein, and it is a typical fantasy city - and I. Don't. Care, as we are just witing here for the plot to catch up.

Thom shows up randomly. He got wounded on his leg, or hip, it's practicaly a reference to the story of Jacob's fight with Gawd, where Gawd cheated, the bastard.


Thom was busy: he has a good paying job, and an apprentice who is his lover too. The girl has daddy-issues, appearantly. I start to suspect RJ is/was a perv.

We get some prophecy about marks for Rand, 1 he already has, 3 to go.

They go separate.  


Chapter 27 Book 2
A question: how can you be good at gambling, and we are talking about throwing dices, without cheating? This is just a minor point though, as the ogre is the comic relief, so get a long leavway.

Then they are attacked by a fake troll-pupet. Meaning the "puppet" was a real troll. The party escapes, and stumbles into the illuminati... I mean iluminator house. Wassis, you ask? Firework-makers. Why is this place of such importance? It isn't, but it looks shiney, and ka-boom, Michael Bay style. And if we spent all that money on the big.bada-boom, we'll implement it, no matter what!
They also stumble into Selene, just to loose her again, so what was the point? Nothing. Maybe confirmation that she is still around, but was there a need for that?  


Chapter 28, 29 Book 2
Team A2 is on its way, Mat shows symptoms of not being well.

They stumble into some aiel. Turns out they have their own magelings. They are by the way jews: they have 12 tribes, and a missing 13th. They are out to find their Chosen One. Who wanna bet all Chosen One is Rand?


The Inquisitors are about to escalate stiuation to war between Arad Doman and Tarabon. I hope we never start going into nations, there are enough factions already, all international: Children, aes sedai, werevolves, gypsies, the shipping nation, and the extra aiels. Half of these we have no idea how they relate to the world, so it's already crap, we just don't need national conflicts to keep track.
Btw, all this maybe isn't just the Childrens fault, but the secretly darkling leader - like that'd justify religious fanaticism.

The Children have some trouble of a party called seanchan. How they relate to ANYTHING? No idea. Like trying to kick a square block in a round hole.


In the same chapter somehow Domon reaches Toman Head, ruled by these seanchans, like we needed this sublóplot for ANYTHING. Why couldn't the Children just cause that war between two state, and that's it? Why overcomplicate thing with an unknown player?
They board their ship. They are extremly militant, and unreasonably fanatic Light-worshippers. Like we didn't have enough trouble with the Children already. Considering the similarity between the two group, this is again redundancy. They are slave-owners, and out for the Lebensraum. Oh-oh.
They set sore in Falme (a city).
They are unimaginably evil assholes.

Dopmon's Seal get to these assholes, and they already have another.  


Chapter 30-31 Book 2
Rand while in the city constantly got invitation to higher and higher rank nobles. Now this escalated to the uppermost classes, the king and the prime duke-or what sent their notes. Trouble brews as he can't refuse both, but can't accept both either, and the two are leethal enemies. He doesn't even opens the letters, gaining a day maybe. So the plot will move soon.
A passive protagonist is bad enough, always just waiting for something to happen is even worse.

All the sudden, and without any chance of interruption, the chest with the stuff is stolen back by Fain. So what was the point of this? Nothing. MAybe, in the mad mind of RJ this thing is an excuse for worldbuilding, but this is just all wrong.

Also Team A1 bump into Team A2, because wynaut.


There is this stupidity that people can't open the chest. Well, maybe they did not have time for it? But why Fain did not investigate the chest while he had it? Ah, whatever.

Oh, before we forget, let's add Selene/Lanfear to Rand's harem too.

Turns out the prime-duke is darkfriend, so that's with the invitations.
Ya know, I kinda feel the events are told in the wrong order. And not even Memento-style where the events are backwards, but the story progresses normaly. Here the whole structure is on top of its head. The important things which should be built on are found at the end of the sequence of events, and that's just not good, doesn't work. Also there is no big revelation at the end, so we'd have some grand enlightment, like in Planet of the Orchids which maxed this concept out, and I'd only recommend to the most dedicated readers only. But this... Here the revelation is just thin, not worth it, and feels the writer plays from marked cards. It might be fun for him, but not for us, and it isn't even funny from his persepctive laughing on the crowd, Andy Kaufman-style. This is just a weak writer thinnking he is clever. News: he isn't.

What makes this treatise barely readle is the length of the chapters, which are conveniently short (ca. 15 pages), forcing me to do double-chapters for goodread doesn't let me post more frequent than 20 minutes.

Now we get a last piece of an exposition. See, there are 3 kinds of magic items in this world (if we don't count the focus-item Moiraine had, khm): sangreals, angreals and tangreals. Don't mind the spelling, its recognisable, and what's important all are derived from the Saint Gral BS, because this is some christian "literature". Not as bad as Narnia... yet.
Point is, sangreal are power level 9000+, angreals are your usual magic buff, and tangreals have one specific function, and unlike the other two can be used by anyone, not just magicians. 


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