The Great Hunt Chapters 11-21

 Chapter 11 Book 2
Some soldier spotted the mysterious woman in the second village too.

Moiraine another machination: if the soldier's leader is not available, Rand is second in command. She even gave him the flag of the Dragon, found also in the Eye. Joy in worm that Rand has to come out before his pals being mage. His motivation coming to rescue Matt even strenghtens their friendship. A friendship of 1 onedimensional character, and 2 cardboard cutouts.

Ah. Padan Fain touched the Dagger, and now leads the horde. He nailed up the myrdraal, being more evil than Evil.
What I don't get, if the myrdraal - as the original leader of the party - wanned to go north, why they went south? The rest of the travel makes sense if you assume they wanned to go SOUTH, but Fain wanned to go WEST if you check the map.
A complaint here: why don't they give high resolution map to the ebook version?
Chapter 12 Book 2
Team B is the woman of the group with the Throne. They continue their training.
They get on ship, but before that Moiraine gets away. Liandrin (the black ajah) and Verin (a trustable brown ajah) slipped away too.  


Chapter 13-14 Book 2
Rand, the ogre and Hurin teleport to some paralel dimension. I hate those.

In the meantime Team A2 realises Team A1 disappeared. Can't do anything abput it, they decide to move forward. Which'd be hard without their hunter, but Perrin grows some wolf-telepaty and pretend he is a hunter too.
Verin shows up and joins them. She is Moirainee's spy on Rand.  


Chapter 15 Book 2
The ogre sing a staff out of a tree.

Rand is a clvl 1 fighter now.

Ok, I could ask this later, but I ask it now: why does Satan call Rand Lewis Therin? Why never any other reincarnation's name?
And I assume I expected too much from Jordan, as Satan is pretty healed now, though we did not hear any other Seal broken - Rand definitely wasn't present to cause such event.

Through dream Satan brands Rand's hand.  


Chapter 16-17 Book 2
In this dimension King Arthur lost, so now it is a dead world. The problem with multiverses is, if there are limitless dimensions, everything and its opposit happened, so what's at stake? Nothing.

They spot a "mysterious woman".
Suddenly some monester attacks them, the shoot it down.
The woman joins up, and she is weird if you ask me. Name's Selene.
She says she is also not from here, which is a problem, because we KNOW magick is needed to use the pillarstones. So how did she get here?
She is not aes sedai.
She seems to have Friends casted on her...
The conversation turns inconvenient to Selen, but suddenly they are attacked by more monsters.
Selene insist they can not get away. She obviously wants Rand to use magick.
But somehow even more monsters show up. Ok, at this point this "who can she be" game got appearent and dumb. Let's think just for a single minute. Selene must be a mage, and is not aes sedai, and tries to force Rand to "accept his fate" and cast magic. I wonder who she can be... You don't say she is a Forsaken... And as only a single female forsaken we know of, she is, and this is "just a guess", Lanfear. Do I get a cookie, or what?

Team A1 gets to the home-dimension.  


Chapter 18 Book 2
Team B gets education from the Throne. And I have to make a point here: we know cutting off someone from magic IS an option. So asking for a material weapon is not dumbness, but a necessity. The aes sedai is simply dumb this way.

Still no clue why Egwenne is in the story. I mean either E or N could go, simply Ninive is more fleshed out. But the two are redundant. And while Egwenne is a Mary Sue, Ninive has sea-sickness, and anger is a factor in her abilities, and generaly just has some characteristics.

Team B arrives to Tar Valon. Ninive is said to jump through novice rank. Dunno why we should care either way.  


Chapter 19 Book 2
Team A resides some distance from Cairhien - some city we don't know squat about, as usual.
Seems they moved forward in time through that other dimension. I don't really get why was the need for this new kind of teleporting anyway. Aside that the plot can happen. Sign of weak writer.

Anyway, they decide to steal back their stuff. Rand decides to walk all the way back north - because that's stupid or something. He couldeither wait for the soldiers, or continue on to Ilian as planned. It'd be very bad writing to do so, like the heroes going back for their horses after fighting through some tunnels under a mountin to the other side, or something.
In the end they go to Cairhein, 'cause Selene said she lives there.
They lock the dagger with the horn. Yes, this just strenghtens the stupidity of the basic premise of this volume, the redundancy of the artifacts.  


Chapter 20-21 Book 2
Selene tries to steal the Horn. Obviously.

Near the city there's some archeological dig, Rand gets new visions. The guards chase them away.
This is supposed to be important that it got its own chapter? Because I see no significance of it. There's no bulding up to this, there's no lore connecting us to it, there's no forshadowing here, just some meaingless rambling, which isn't even new.


They go into a village. Where we of course learn the name of the innkeeper. This must be some fetish. Or RJ just likes pub, and is/was an alcoholic.
This sounds like the outscirts of the actualy city, at least RH handles it like that. They rise the attention of some low rank noble, because of the Play of the Houses is so intense, meaning aristocracy is taken VERY seriously here, to the level of cutthroating. This will of course be just some filler-arc. 


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