The Eye of the World - prologues

  Original Prologue
Prologues are to give the basic setup of the story.
So, let's see what happens here.

Some Lewis Therin walks into the sceen, obviously maddened, stepping through his wife's body looking for her like she's still alive. That makes him an Unreliable Narrator. That's not necessarily bad for a prologue, but instead of establishing facts, instead establishes questions. I can hardly wait when will the book answer those questions.

Oh, the Big Boss' name is SATAN? Well, that's bad news. None told me this is some CSLewis-kind of christian propaganda will be.
I "wonder" why...

Another character comes in: The Betrayer of Hope. Seems something went wrong, he got the blame from the people, but it is strongly suggested, Lewis has the actual blame.

Servants? One Ring/Ring of Tamyrlin? Nine Rod of Power? Ok, we all know this whole series started as a Lord of the Ring fanfiction, but that's barely an excuse in the long run. What these words mean? I hope they'll be explained in this book, because we are still in the prologue, and we just got namethrown.

Ok, so there's some big "eternal" conflict is running between God and Satan. Will this be a flashforward, or why are we here?

Ok, so Lewis attacked Satan, and this ended up being a Bad Idea, therefor Betrayer was right all along. We don't even know WHEN that guy betrayed Lewis, and likely tried to save the world. At least now he succeeds. This is actualy a promising start if you ask me. God's side being the wrong side, them being blinded by faith.
On the other hand what went wrong? I'd be curious. This is a good hook. Please explain this to me book!

Ok, so there is the ONe Source, with two halves. The writer uses the yin-yang symbol for representation. And somehow the male part got "tainted" because of the attack on Satan. Got it. Not sure what this means exactly, but it's a start.

And we get a time-mark, that this whole thing happened in the 4th Age. That means there was a 1st Age somewhen. 4 is also not a lot, despite what the chronicles-writer says. OR we'd need a clarification on the calendar-system.

What? Sword of Truth reference? Oh, those novels were written later, nevermind then.
Second Prologue: Earlier Ravens
We get some Egwenne's relations to her village.
Knowing this won't come to play at all seems a waste of time learning all the names. Still, creating the mood is working, so no major complaint from me.
Though... I'm a bit worried that we learnt almost nothing of Egwenne either. Ye, she is perfectionist so she is allowed to learn faster - but what's her motivation, or, like anything?

A small plothole: how do people know the name of Satan, if none ever spills it?

Great. More namethrowing. What are trollocs, myrdraal, and all such things?

The story about the Dragon is disturbing, because it paints the Dragon as the good side, damaging the Original Prologue's setup, and threatens the reader with christian propaganda. And who needs that. Definitely not a global audience.

Hm, someone asks: "What's a dragon?" - This must mean there will be dragons in, maybe in the final book at least!

Uhm, the writer forgot Egwenne wanned something from Perrin/Mat?
And why is Mat not Matt?
Also, calling out how thw Original Prologue fits to the rest of the book does not solve this problem!

- Semirhage
- Lanfear 


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