The Fires of Heaven Chapters 1-10

 Chapter 1 Book 5
Ok, so Min&Co (let thjem be Team D) is now practicaly in Four Kings, but RJ with his name-fetish instead created anoter settlement, and called it "worldbuilding of the century".
Logain accidently burnt down some building, now the villagers sit court (Logain ran away, so only on the rest of the party).
Leane is revealed to be from the Land of Whores, or whatever, and goes to ... charm the judge. It fails - ofr now, but it'll be her "personality".
Turns out the local Lord is Gareth Bryne, Morgase' ex-head of the army - this is revealed like 2/3 of the 50 pages of the chapter, which is waaay too much for a random name. So this is where he retired to in Book 3 as far as I recall. He offers the wamen to work their dept at him, they accept because they can escape, and also because there was a loophole in the semantics.
And actualy, Logain frees them. In the meanwhile he mugged some locals.

Gareth is an old perv, who now with his old-as-fuck companion goes after the escapees.

The last 10 pages of the chpater has certain Alteima as POV. Who the fuck is she? A random name, that's what. She was some husband-killing, trouble-brewing noble in Tear, who was sent to Cairhien. Why is she in Andor then? Because!
Her plan is to find some sugar-daddy in Caemlyn, and fast.
Oh, Rand is "the source of Chaos"? So we know what the next volume's title refer to. By the way, we again waiting for the story to catch up to itself, we are stuck until this in this hell of boredom. Like the stupid feremns do their stupid council for once.
Gaebril comes in, does his thing on Morgese, she leaves.

Morgases realises she has dizzy memories, practicaly an amnesia.

WARNING to anyone stupid enough to fall for the hype and try to read this crap: have the ebook version. You'll be entire lost without a search engine. And no, audio-books do NOT work, because obviously that just washes over you, and with just 100 names per volume (estimated from the first 4 books and this part of bok 5) you'll be hopelessly lost, especialy that the writing-stlye is such, that like in 50 pages there is 1 blinkand-you-miss-it sentence that has any actual value.  


Chapter 2-4 Book 5
The style... Too long is everything now, and that kills the mood, the story, the reader. Just cut the fluff, dammit! You'd still have a 800 pages book, but this is nonsense! Was there an editor? Of course no! (legend says RJ's wife was trusted with that kind of work, but that just shows nepotism is a bad idea. Or she was simply incompetent in general. I wouldn't be surprised eeither way.

The Tree of Life is pretty much dead in Rhuidean. Moiraine is looting the place.

Rand is obviously not going mad, that plotline was likely dropped. It could have hold out for maybe 5 books, but naturaly, as RJ catched livelihooditis, it had to be built down.
On a minor note, the "madness" part might be past lives merging in the current one?

Moiraine manages to cut a piece from a Seal she just found. So 3 are broken, 1 was and is still at Moiraine, 1 at Team C (unless they posted it to Tar Valon), and 1 here. We assumed a long time ago that the nazis 2 pieces were included in the destroyed ones. That leaves 1 at unkown location.

Why is everyone smoking in these books? Worst thing ever. Why do US have to smell YOUR drug? Be honest and just drink, or whatever, but never smoke plase!


Natael/Asmodean teaches Rand to magick.
There is some rambling about cooperative magic, that wamen can team up up to 13 w/o need of a man, but not even 2 men can connect w/o the help of a wamen.

99% that Rahvin is Caemlyn ("he got himself a queen").

Matt still exists. Still no idea what the fox-medalion does.


We are informed (breaking show don't tell again) that Rand can now lock his dreams from unwanted trespassing.

Oh, ye, if RJ brings it up again, let's talk about it: Elayne sent 2, very different tone letters to Rand. What's in 'em? Why is this important? WHO DA FOK CARES? I dun have dee answers.

Add Isende to Rand's harem. (No need to remember, she is just a darkfriend, part of the merchats from the previous book - they were only four, and 2 of 'em Forsaken, so it's acutlay not hard to remember until they are with the party).  


Chapter 5-7 Book 5
We again get that the Dreamland is oh-so dangerous. This is the 3rd book maybe where every kind of chracter goes there, and NEVER happens anything problematic with it, so fok off already!


Dark Dogs attack. Rand destroys them with laser, what is now explained to annihilate its target backwards in time depending on powah. As Matt actualy died here, this actualy saved his life. But we get some tale about the Nightmare Cild, the Could Have Been King with his Army of Meanwhiles and Never-weres (this is a Dr Who reference, not in the actual book, but the concept is similar).

Ah, so Mtt's silver medalion is an anti-magic charm.

It is confirmed Rahvin is in Caemlyn, with Morgese.
I wonder when will the text mention Mesaana.

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear (Mierin)
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain) <--- (dead*, book 3)
4 Aginor <--- (dead, book 1)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead, book 1)
6 Demandred
7 Luc <--- (retconned in book 4)
8 Isam <--- (retconned in book 4)
9 Sammael <--- (Illian)
10 Asmodean (Joar Addam Nesossin) <--- (cut, book 4)
11 Be'lal <--- (dead, book 3)
12 Ravhin <--- (Caemlyn)
13 (dead, book 2) <--- (retconned in book 4)
14 Moghedien
15 Graendal
16 Mesaana

Coulhadin, the shadio wants to cross to the mainland.


Why does Egwenne suddenly worry about showing parts of her leg?
And why her skirt/dress is not cut up? Crap, why is she in skirt at all?  


Chapter 8-10 Book 5
Team C is going to Tar Valon on cart, disguised as traders, keeping a low profile.

The most we get out of this chapter is some worrying vibes RJ wanna go into national politics. With a series that already as too many factions, too many characters, too many NAMES, where the basic groundwork is not done after ... hwat, this is the 5th book in the series, a thousand pages at average per volume? We should already start focusing on stuff, not expanding! And I say that along the countless retcons, character-swaps, characters still lacking personality or narrative reason to exist or both, inconsistent characacters, unimaginative plot and more!


Elayne develops daddy-issues, falling in love with Thom?!? His own father?!? Another retcon?!?!?
Aside them being father-daughter, they had no attraction to each other. Is this a soap opera now on?

The gorls go in to some aes sedai spy for informations. They are knocked out.


One of the men is to the rescue (I could tell which one, but what's the difference, that's the point I make this way). Turns out the spy acted on the command of the Amyrlin Throne.
Now common sense would make you ask in such situation: why? Or make your characters say "Siuan would never do that". Or ask "Who is the Throne?" But then the plot couldn't happen, so the characters are made DUMB for this scene. Brain dead even.

The party trades their cart to a carriage.

PS: did not mention because all the rush-readin, but I checked after my notes, and yes, ninive tried to stop thugging her hair, which was a sign of gaining controll over her bailities in Book 4. Now fuck that too, who needs anything even mildly interresting, she is back actively thuggin her hair again. 


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