The Great Hunt Chapters 32-41

 Chapter 32-33 Book 2
This is some city-fantasy chapter. I'm not into this genre, I like my Conan-style fantasy. I'm not sure how english (international?) people just shovel everything under the fantasy title. Ye, there should be 3 kind of fantasy as main categories: fantas for that going-out-to-the-field fantasy, the city-fantasy with all aristocrats and politics and things, and urban fantasy for modern settings.

There is a Stargate in the palace, so they try to not get involved while finding it. Three local woman is added to Rand's harem. Thom is in the building too.


The find the Gate, but the MAchine Sin awaits.
They get a message from Fain which confirms the endgame of this volume will be on Toman Head, and contains a threat that or else their family will die. There is no actual time-limit though...  
Chapter 34 Book 2
Thom goes home, his apprentice/sex-doll is dead. The assassins are delt with, turns out they were sent by the prime-duke. Onto the revenge!

Independent from this Fain reached Falme, and conspired with the seanchans. They take the chest, and give the information that whoever blows the Horn will be its sole user. They intend to send it to their empress, so it is again not used.
I dun care, but ok, so Rand&Co will have to whck through these people, and fight Fain as endgame now. That can work. Not grreat, not even good, but can fuffice.  


Chapter 35-36 Book 2
The party goes to the neares shedding (chapter 35's only point is some fake tension with some random aiel), so the ogre worries, because this is inhabited, and he is kinda ran away too young from home, yadda-yadda. Point is, arranged marriage is a thing in this world, but if RJ can remember, Lial found an ogress he found attractive.

Trouble brews, as the Machine Sin seems to block every Gate they try to access. So they go back to the gatepillar.  


Chapter 37-38 Book 2
The part teleport. This time it goes from one pillar to the other in this world, no middle journey, but 4 monthes passed between arrival. During travel they'§ve seen like all alternative universes, and in each Satan won. This tellsme, this is the one world where "the Light" will win, which is predestination, sp why should I feel any excitement whatever happens?

Btw, did you notice the pillars have "all seven ajah colour" on 'em? And we have 7 colours - including BLACK! So black is an official colour.?


News: the king of Cailrhen died. Who cares. Just a name we can forget without ever touching it before.

Liandrin smuggles out Egwenne and Ninive to go after the guys. Min and Elayne joins up.

Add Elayne to Rand's harem.  


Chapter 39-40 Book 2
Team B ports through a Gate. The best you can get here is some girly chit-chat.


On the other side is a trap, the black sedai sold them to the sanchean.
Their "magic system" is, there are the casters called demons, and their keepers (literly holding them on leash) the sultans. This doesn't make them muslim, just like the tao-symbol doesn't make people here anything but christian. Sencheans are extreme nationalist christians relying on superweapons (mages on leashes), holding the population under total submission both mind and body - they are NAZIS. Unredeamable. It is VERY uncomfortable to read anytrhing they are in from now. This group if doesn't make you physically ill, there's something wrong with you. The only redeeming factor for this inhumane faction is the promise of their total annihilation in the chapter Team A teleported.
Egwenne and Min are the only one captured though.

A quetion on the narrative: why are the women here? Entirely unnecessary. The only point I see is, RJ want to keep the party together, because he can't solve how to have them left separate.
Another problem is the strucure of this volume matches the volume of the previous book: hundreds of pages spent until starting to move, walking in a direction with the party separated, then teleporting to the endgame. Adding this to the weak writing really not rises the hope things will be better.  


Chapter 41 Book 2
Again to ask: why does Satan call Rand Lewis Therin? Does Satan exist, or everything started with Lewis Therin and his era? WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PROLOGUE?
This naggin question poses a problem, because that is the core mysterie all along, making Rand a Random Person we follow as PoV, but the actual protagonist is Satan, and we just don't get enough info to have any interrest following Rand around.  


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