The Dragon Reborn Chapters 41-52

  Chapter 41-47 Book 3
Team B gets to Illian.


Illian has another mysterious noble came from nowhere. He (too) induces nightmare-dreams in the locals. So it is a Forsaken.

The party gets randomly attacked by some darklings in a pub.


More darklings on the way.

I'm kinda ok with Fail.


Brend = Sammael

Moiraine got a buff somewhere.

Matt bumps into a group, clones of what Rand randomly murdered, and they attack. So Rand maybe was right.

I kinda think RJ's writing-technic was to write whatever that time comes to his mind, no planning, no editing. That's why the pacing is horrible, characters get left out for too long, other times just everyone is shuffled in the same chapter.


Matt arrives to Caemlyn. And REMEMBERS how to get to the palace. Evidence that RJ lot track of his notes, because RAND WAS at this castle (in Book 1). And Matt is moving by "muscle memory", so he is re-living going there - but he never did, Rand was that. This is a HUGH writer's mistake.

Matt gets chased away, for the attitude towards Tar Valon changed so much, so he head back to the tavern, where we learn the queen has a new advisor (LotR fanfic element, also who wanna bet it's another Forsaken?), some Lord Gaebril.


Matt goes back to the palace (no idea why we had that detour before), and climbs the fence. From the garden he overhears some darkfriend conversation. Finaly he is escorted to the queen. And yes, there we are confirmed, Lord Gaebril IS a Forsaken. We should start keep track which is in which city?


Matt tells what he learnt to the rest of his party.  


Chapter 48-49 Book 3
The Scooby Gang reach Tear on boat.

Oh, ye, what's with the Children Fain sent to Emmondsfield? Who knows.

The Gang decides to hire a hunter. And go to a local midwife, where Ninive refreshes her herbalism. They are offered to stay for nights, and they accept, worrying in inns the black ajah would get news of them. And the midwife obviously knows a hunter.


The hunter arrives, and they make a deal.

Egwenne goes to Dreamland, and confirms the 13 black are at the magic sword.

Matt rushes to Tear on ship. Thom gets pneumonia, Matt starts to visit the local inns randomly. In one (before Thom gets sick actrualy) finds the noble his conversation with the Lord heared out in the queen's town. The guy gambles with loaded dices - Matt still wins. This reveals him his ability, and inspires the random pubbing.
Chapter 50-52 Book 3
Team A GoT Season8ed to Tear.
Through Perrin RJ says Fail is the name the girl chose for herself - but that's not true, yet another writers mistake out of negligence. Fail is the name HER FATHER gave her.

Seems from the crowdes, in Tear is another Forsaken. General depression and all.

Perrin stands in to a blacksmith to spend time, and to practice. This fits his Unwilling Killer theme. As part of the payment he gets a hammer.

Ah, so the laserbeam is the everfire. Got it.

The Forsaken in Tear is Be'lal.

The aiels arrived to Tear too.


Ah, so Belial runs under the alias Lord Samon. Dunno why bother, he'll be dead the end of this volume. This confused the hunter, who sold the Scooby Gang out.


Matt finaly brings Thom, who is obviously at the werge of death to the midwife. Obvious what will happen.
Ya know, I like the dynamic between the showman and the midwife. And this is the perfect ending for Thom, the ex-bard who got chased away, lived as a showman, helped through our heroes(?) on many hardship, now too old, and almost dead, finding a comfortable place, and a woman with attitude worthy of his. Matt even says a goodbye when he start ahead, aiming the fortress of the sword. 


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