The Eye of the World chapters 41-53

 Chapter 41
Suddenly there is a 2 days time-limit for Team-A, to whom the ogre joins. In the meantime Rand looks for the local midwife to check on Matt. And Team B+C joins up. Moiraine finds Matt's dagger. She also brings the news, the trolls sorrounded the city. And inside the Children (and the queen's aes sedai, and the darklings etc.) hunt for the party. How will they get out of this? But the mage also maks the midwife ovsolate, so that plot-element is dropped. Ok, let's say solved.
Chapter 42
Mat is up, though not cured. Has amnesia from during the curse. Why is he in the story again?

It is confirmed, that Satan's endgoal is to destroy time itself.

We are so to say confirmed, that the aes sedai uses the fake dragons for their machinations.

I have to call attention that we still have no idea what the Eye of the World is, where to find it, or anything but its name.
Whatever, related to this the party course-correct to find the Green Man. If we think the book as a LotR-fanfiction, again we feel the plot gets rushed. If not, it's actualy working.
And yes, the party will teleport, because the ogres have these stargates-or-what. Though the ogre has objections.

- Semirhage
- Lanfear
- Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
- Aginor
- Balthamel
- Demandred  


Chapter 43
There is a Blue Ajah.

The stargates were made by male mages. They got corrupted. None knows if this was due to the madness in male magick, or Satan found a way inside, or just something grew inside.

Again: is there a Satan?
There is a dream-sequence a bit later, so ok, let's say it IS Mr. Satan. I have another question then: where is Mr. Creator/The Light/God? Is there one? LotR had not. Before you open oyur pipehole, that was the Silmarillion, and that's a later addendum, unpublished by Tolkien himself.

The ogre (ogier, but who cares) finaly agrees the plan.

This is the endgame of this volume, and none has a personality from the 5 main character, maybe aside Rand, who is the one-dimensional Prince Charming sereotype. the rest also has no shoe to fill in the story either. So why do they exists, again?  
Chapter 44
The party sneaks out on an alley and get to the Gate.

This chapter is simply good. Has atmosphere, the plot is moving, has relevance, adds to the world, the characters have feelings towards what is happening - so it is good.  


Chapter 45
The passage inside the Gates is crumbling. But that only means not beelining, so it's fine. Still, a good moment this is.

Hey, Moiraine knows where's the Eye of the World? Why not infodump about it, so we know stuff too? This moment is similar, though not as shocking as One Piece episode 769, where we learn Luffy doesn't look for clues, and actively destroys all clues, because he knew about them all along, it is not a random journey at all. I'm still baffled by it.

Ok, so Thom isn't dead. Most likely. Not sure why we need him anymore, but I give a pass. For now.

Adding Min to Rand's harem. During a jealousy-competition between Rand and Egwenne.

Seems the Mad Beggar is on their tails, inside? He was like Gollam in LotR not long ago, and this lurking seems another LotR-element added. Not very subtily.

We get confirmation that the trolls move through the Gates.

To speed things up, the Machine Sin appears. This reminds me to that lake in that other book... Or maybe it's just some random conglomerate-monster, or some wraith... Or maybe it was a trap, that gone rogue. Or some ancient beast. Why everything is an ancient than time beast in this book?  


Chapter 46
Ye. The Blight, the land of Satan is hot. Like Hell. In contrast to the word freezing. So cliché.
Oh, of course they are out of the Gate's passage, just at the nick of time. They bump into some locals who know Lan, the protector, ex-king, and whatnot. These soldiers prepare to attack some troll horde, futily by the way. I feel this wants to be an omage to the Aragorn-led battle at the end of LotR, but then RJ totlay not got the relevance of that fight.

The ogre again has to be disapointed, as the Asheara... pardon, grove they planted is no longer here either.

Sounds like the Mad Beggar is here too, as expected. And RJ pretends it is some big revelation that it is Padan Fain. Seems he got some magical operation, and turned out to be something from the Chronicles of Riddick.  


Chapter 47
What I don't get, if Fain went through his transformation, why only recently went through his degeneration? Sure, he went through physical torture, but when did his mind brake? Nevermind, this too gets some half-explanation.  


Chapter 48
Ya know, this "the Blight" concept is always on very shakey gorund.
It passed for LotR, because it was new, and it was an everpresent evil with its magic, and we never knew how big it was actualy, but it was surley big, and it was very different from everywhere else, and was filled with orcs and such, and the general concept was what was important. Like there was never any logistics attacking Mordor as a physical, conquerable place, not even when they fought Sauron way-back-when.
Here The Blight is a very geographical place instead, and unlike for example such places in Trilogy of the Night there is a global will to destroy it all. And unlike in other writings this place is not natural, but magical.
So, in WoT we CAN ask the question: why not burn it up? I won't go in and fight whatever in the place. I'll burn it up. Not doing it makes this setting a candidate for the "civilisations too stupid to really exist" youtube series.

Mountain of Dhoom. RJ is really not creative when it comes to naming things.

Aside these, the chapter is enjoyable.  


Chapter 49-50
There is a chase-scene by the local fauna, and flora.
There are some giant worms here. They are not sticking out - yet, but remember this.
The chase pretty much goes like Dante's Inferno...
At least we arrived to the Green Man.


Oh, yeah, GM calls Rand Dragon-child. Meaning the title of the 3rd book is about him. I'd cheer, but we have no emotional connection to the story, so I don't.

And we get the EoTW fight here, the party didn't have to make any effort. 1,000 pages, and the pacing is terrible.
The Eye is a well actualy, filled with male-magic. A "bit" anticlimatic.

GM destroys Balthamel before himself perishes.
Moiraine tries some Last Stand against Aginor, gaining seconds.

- Semirhage
- Lanfear
- Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
- Aginor <---
- Balthamel <--- (dead)
- Demandred  


Chapter 51
Moiraine of course survives, what puts a block of plot armor on the whole story, which is always unfortunate.
Rand teleports away and destroys th troll army befor that destroys the human army.
Then Rand ports to Baal... I mean Ba'alzamon, aka. Satan. OR something. No idea in the meantime why Aginor not just drinks the Eye/Well. The thing is though, Satan has a cord, like any magician. So this rises two questions:
- is there a Black One Force? This is Ready Player Two?
- is Satan just a magician from ancient times, who took too much magic which burned him, and turned him into a niffin? Therefor The Creator never has been?

Anyway, so the Big Bad Boss is dead now? This was fast. What'll we do in the next 13+ books? This is like there was NO pre-planning, this book was intended to be a oneshot! As fanfics usualy do.

- Semirhage
- Lanfear
- Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
- Aginor <---
- Balthamel <--- (dead)
- Demandred  


Chapter 52
Uhm, Aginor is somehow dead nao? That was easy. (Maybe Satan was channeleing through him, and when he died, Aginor died instead - this is purly theoricrafting though.)

Seems Rand used up the Eye's magic. But he hides him being a mage from most of the party.

1 out of 7 seals broken. Whassis, some kinda anime?

We also get the Horn of Valere. So random. Well, though luck I say, that festival surley ended by now. Btw, why don't they try it out?

- Semirhage
- Lanfear
- Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
- Aginor <--- (dead)
- Balthamel <--- (dead)
- Demandred  


Chapter 53
Somehow it is spring nao. Whatever, this is an obvious epilogue.

Ok, so the Horn is not used because aes sedai superstition.

And we got as last line "The Dragon Reborn". This is so hamfisted, and questions the validity of the thrid title.

One more thing: there is an addendum at the end of my edition. I have no idea if this were at the end of the first print. As it contains major spoilers, it'd be kinda important to know.
The only info I care about here though is how many Forsakens there are: 13.

1 of 7 seals is destroyed.

red, black, blue ajah.

1 Semirhage
2 Lanfear
3 Ishamael, the betrayer of hope (Elan Morin Tedornain)
4 Aginor <--- (dead)
5 Balthamel <--- (dead)
6 Demandred


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