The Fires of Heaven Chapters 33-40

 Chapter 33-38 Book 5
Team C is in another random city. Ninive figured out the nazi leash would work without the chain, so no more range restriction. More important(?) she want to create her own magic items.

But nothing justifies the circus. It is just filler.


So, the first page of this chapter is, them eating some soup. How this contributes the story, or the characters, or the mood, or like aynthing?

This whole who knows about Birgitte thing slips out of hand. The chicks not having any personality of their own, not distinct enough role just bland in my head to an amorphic blob, and I have no idea about the details of this ... "plot", but I was sure until now only one of 'em met the ghost, and that one swore secrecy.
Well, no need to worry about this anymore, Birgitte is written out.


Wut just happened? The ghost of Birgitte appeared in the woke world fully adult? That's not how it works.

And Elyane made a protectore frm Birgitte? Again: that's not how it works! And on the sidenote, she did NOT see it done by anyone, not "on screen" at least.
So this is just bullshit. RJ wrote himself in a corner, and had to brake his own rules one after the toher until nothing remained just for the plot to happen. This is so bad writing, you should teach it on unis!
But ya know, I'm not even mad anymore. I'm now on the ride just to see what's the next dumfuckery that'll happen. It is like sitting in the theatre when such masterpieces were first shown as The Room (2003), or Birdemic. You thought it'd be fun. It isn't. But you payed for the ticket, so you'll stay. You hate it. Then something cracks, and throw spoons at the screen.


Elayne (again) is abut the decision of the choice of which ajah. For that, wouldn't we better off knowing ALL options, like the GREY ajah?
Also, her reasoning is a false dichotomy. What she SHOULD ask, WHY only the green ajah has more than one protectot. The other don't WANT it, or they CAN'T do it?
Not to mention, we have the problem of the Yellow ajah, and the whole process in general. Like: can I hate men and be anything aside red ajah? And this is kinda an emotional connection, like the white ajah being into logic. This assumption is broken by the yellow ajah, who are simply healers. What if I hate men but am super good in healing? And even if I'm bloody good in both, may I DECIDE to be something else? Like, may anyone CHOOSE the white ajah, even if they are not logical at all?
Because remember, we were told you CHOOSE your ajah.
Well-built magic system my ass!
Anyway, what's so well-built in the magic system? We still only have there's male and female, and there are 5 elements, not that it ever comes up in practice. This is pathetic and generic, and a ripoff of the AD&D-system put the yin-yang stuff on top of it.

You know what else? It was told to be a secret what the wamen gain by the protectors. A physical attacker, duh, but that's just the obvious part. If the scene would reveal this part - but no, there is no pre-planning, no forshadowing, and RJ sucks as writer.


Ok, Juilin was mildly entertaining, but when they took the job it was settled he's not able to walk the rope. And this is the lesser problem, as what I implied in the previous sentence, Elayne doesn't do magic, and even herself can walk the rope, while it was obious before, and should be obvious to everyone with a single working braincell, she could never do the circus stuff. They were cheating, used magic to accomplish the tricks.
As I said, I know this is a dumpsterfire, I'm just hanging around wondering what colour the fire takes next.


Yes, the one-eyed man is naturaly Uno. How he got his eyepatch, is anyone's guess. MAybe he alwas had even, I just dun care.

Masema exists, and has a solid cult built up.  


Chapter 39-40 Book 5
You kow, one might ask, where is Perrin? We are like 2/3rd of an 1200 pages book - just tellin'.

Ok, so Masema didn't just do a new religion, he made a cult. This means the motto is "our way of the highway". That's not very helping the situation.

Uhm, what is Nyan-cat talkin' about? Getting to Rand? The whole mission of Team C was up till now to get to THE SECRET BLUE VILLAGE. To pass on the Seal they are carrying.

Also may I ask where the Heavenly Fires are?


Btw, this is the 5th book, shitton of pages passed, and this is a new faction introduced, without any of the set up conflicts even started to be delt with?
5 volumes, and RJ is till not done with the basic gorundwork! That must be some record.

Come to think of it, why was Ninive in such rush to get A BOAT? They had no idea where they were going. One thing they had to move from the city, but aside that why a boat, downward the stream? We know Nyanyan didn't remember the name of the destination-city, AND never got th country's name at all. So?

Question: why they don't try to learn how to disband a connection between an aes and the protector? That'd solve the Birgitte-situation.

Uno, and wassisname joins the guhrls, and like 15 other shienar soldier. 


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