The Fires of Heaven Prologue

 Prologue Book 5
Remember this name from the last book's apendix (appears in here too): Mesaana? As one of the Forsakens? I'll point out this is another proof Mr. Robert Jordan couldn't keep his shit together, and did not plan ahead, thus he did no forshadowing to start with. This random name was a necessity because he realised, he only have 12 names. And remembered jack shit about the ending of Book 2, which he again just ripped off from a much better book (Swords of Chorum volume 2, Queen of Swords).

Check the maps: ye, still no map about the Aiel Wastes, the Deserts of Dune of Planet Arraksi...

And we again have zero idea about the claendar, so that again just a thing hanging in air.

As a note, I explain why I refer the party on their names, and never protagonist. Because the Original Prologue made Mr. Stan the protagonist. I think I told about this once, and the sheer length of this writing washes away that aspect, but that's why I make notes, and I did not regret scemming through for a second time to find new aspects, clear my memory, see if I missed something. One thing I missed during this "second reading", which I feel was just a supporting reading, what made the first reading full, was that one time (one book) where Nynaeve thugged her hair". That was annoying as heck, the repetition. But there was no other instance of similar thing happenning for me. Just that time it was noticable, but this whole point I find more of an urban legend, the WoT-apologists can lay back on as an easy thing to wave away.

Let's deal with this volume now.

Mazrim Taim, the False Dragon in the hands of the black ajah still exists.

Gaebril still sits on Morgese's neck.

Elaida, the new Throne realises grabbing power by force is always a stupid idea. It makes people think. Makes people think if they could do the same to you. Especialy because YOU only are in power because THEY killed someone for that.
Of course I don't say dictatorhips cann ot work. Look at Tibet before the chineese went in. People's limb unnecessary for their pre-planned work were removed. You can't protest if you have no arms to rise, and lo legs to go to the protest, obviously. This was our contribution to the Free Tibet campaign.
There is also like no blue ajah in the Tower now, which weakens their position further.

Aaand Fain is here. Because fuck you. Now he wants the Dagger and the Horn. The being now calls itself Mordeth. Obviously, because Robert Jordan sucks his ragtag team is nowhere again.

Rahvin, a Forsaken is in Fal Moran? Maybe.
The Forsakens make a gathering, and we are pretty much confirmed, these are individuals, there is no Big Evil threat, just petty overlords' overlording. Is there a Mr. Satan? What happened in the Prologue?
Btw, Graendel? Seriously? From the Niebelung legends? RJ has no shame?

So, Ishamael is truly dead. 99% probability rate.
And 4 Forsakens are dead? HOW? What hapened, let's be generous, at the end of Book 2? "By The Power Of Retcon!", nothing?
Again, why everyone refers Rand as Lewis Therin, and how can the phrse be true "the Creator locked away the Dark Lord and his 13 minions at the beggining of time" it hese nutjobs definitely were locked away, and did not exist before the Third Age?
And don't even mention they refer to Satan as some freeable thing. If the Forsakens are just as much cultists as the average WoT-fan, this means absolutely nothing. 


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