The Dragon Reborn Chapters 21-31

 Chapter 21-26 Book 3
You know, I always have this question about documents: why people are so proud that there is only 1 copy in existance? COPY IT!

Question: what was the betrayal of the Betrayer? WHAT HAPPENED IN THE ORIGINAL PROLOGUE?

The chapter is mostly exposition, but it happens via conversation, so it is working.
Also, Egwenne gets a tangreal to make her able to enter (more easily, if she can at all) enter the Dreamworld.


Egwenne is taken to pass the initiation-ritual. Oh, so Elayne already went through? Why do we have 3 magling pupil again?
The girl worries about the stuff she just got from Verin: list of the stolen artifacts, the 13 black ajah, and the tangreal.
In the first part the girl lives with Rand in their village, Rand dies due to magic-sickness.
What's with the water between each stages? Probably nothing, just xian propaganda.
Part 2 has some war going on, a building collapsed on Rand, who begs the girl to kill him, preventing long agony. Revealed there is a ritual which can bring anyone to the dark side against their will, and "coincidence", it requires 13 wizard (and 13 myrdraal).
Part 3 has Egwenne being the Throne, and Rand is captured by the red ajah. Elaida in this version is a black ajah actualy. Batlle ensues, but worse: this smei-reality starts to crumble due to technical malfunction.


Turns out the ring caused interference with the ritual's tangreals. Well, no worry then.

Some cliffnotes on the ajahs: brown is for knowledge, blue is for causes (whatever this means), whites are for logic, green is for fighting. Red is to prevent another worldbreak by castrating male mages, and we could figure out yellow are the healers (if act is considered motivation here, lol). And black is the Dark Lord. No clue about grey (no wonder, RJ just came up with them out of necessity, otherwise black would be an official faction, and that''d be a contradiction).

What was Elayne's trial? Who know, who cares.


Matt tries to leave the city, turns out the guards are warned not to let that. Wonders back to the Tower's training-ground, and beats the heck out of Galahad and Gawayne in a "friendly" duel. I like the trainer.
Matt seems to have gained some special power, but it costs him in HUNGER. Also confirmed he somtimes speaks Ancient, which he doesn't even notice. The reason for this is kinda some past incarnation melted into his current one. the result is a condition similar to amnesia.


The Scooby-Doo Gang figures out there must be more black ajah in the Tower, and most tangreal stolen are connected to dreaming. I feel RJ is into his new Dreamworld-idea. There's also a for us traditional magic wand.

Egwenne bumps into Lanfear, though beats me if this has any meaning aside telling she is still around.


The Scooby Gang find the 13 black's lefotver stuff where they were told they are kept. Something is not clear about the situation though. The items point to the new destination being Tear. RJ again collects the party to one place, though at least we started already separated. Will there be teleporting, and when?  


Chapter 27-31 Book 3
Egwenne does a dream-journey, and amongst else sees Rand. One could say he is radiating a hint of mad, I'd say there's just pressure on the poor soul. Not that that couldn't induce insanity.

Tha Silvie-character is confusing, but works. To get the whole happening you should read book 4, where it is revealed Lanfear/Selene can shapeshit, or something like that. So Silvie, and probably even Else are just masks of Lanfear. Ok, I confess the reason I can gallop through these book is, 'cause I ragequitted out of hatred of bad writing like the first third of Book 5. We'll see this time. The important thing is here anyway the confirmation that Rand goes for the magic sword ilvl 9000+.

The Scooby Gang decides to go to Tear, only problem they have no money.


Ah, mat besides gambling is into women too.
The Scooby Gang asks Matt to dleiver a letter to Morgase, Elayne's mom, that queen. Problem is Matt's quarantine - this is where the Do What You Want letters come into play. Becase Siuan is so dumb, didn't write names on 'em. This way she cann ot even draw back.

On the sidenote, seems Cairhen put itself into civil war. Moving on.


The Scoby Gang is allowed to head to Tear.


Handling time seems to be as inconsistent at RJ as distances. I suspect either he did not keep track of these things, or just hoped we wouldn't notice.

Matt goes into the night, and first win a lot, then gets attacked letf and right, who these people are doesn't matter, though entirely questionable given this is Tar Valon, where magic is helping the ~police. Time to hop on a ship, but first accidently bump into Thom, who is drunk as a pig, after fulfilling his revenge. 


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