The Shadow Rising Chapters 1-7

 Chapter 1 Book 4
I'm almost offended that there's no prologue. Again shows this is not its own volume, but a continuation of the previous volume. And a bloody long one. Will it be bale to keep the quality, or Book 3 was the fluke?
And if I had to re-cut the first 3 books, I'd do it, and edit them to 2 volume, using the empty space in them to place character development and event where they are more useful. Like if you put Perrin's stuff from Book 3 to Book 2 nothing changes only Perrin gets where he is sooner. Matt can be sent to Tar Valon immediately, and deliver that letter in the second half of the "second" volume. Entirely cut most of the women. Cut the Horn, and any adventure with the nazis. And so on. It could be done, and the result would result a much tighter, much better material.

This next three volumes are monstrous, an extra half volume length compared to book 2 and 3, so I'm peeking towards the prequel, and that single not-cut-content short story.

Anyway, Min is going to the Throne, and sees a bunch of visions showing the Tower will fall - by the hand of the nazis. None else has the silver leashes, that's their significant item. Remember this.
How they would achieve this Tar Valon being in the middle of the land is anyone's guess.

It is confirmed that Rand will be polygamist, and Min will be one of his waifu. Polygamy in itself is not an inherently bad thing, but for the human species, which have a close to 1:1 sex ratio, is immoral.

More problems with the aes sedai as they are now: a lazy, immovable spider sitting in its web. They are isolated, do nothing, they are not useful. They are not part of society. they are a parasite.

The Throne, with barely covered manipulation, forces Min to stay in town.

Aside that the nazis are coming, the Tower has its internal conflicts too. Elaida brews trouble. This is a good setup to weaken the Tower so some outside force can break in later.

Woah, Padain Fain, the Mad Beggar shows up with some Children around Emmondsfield. Ok, whatever. that plot is moving again then. Fain is not under control, no matter what the Children would like to think.

So, that Suroth-persona from Falme did not die. Too bad. The remains of the nazi army resides under her command at some island not far from the mainland. Bad news: the phrase Nine Moons come up, it turns out this refers to the nazis. There is a prophecy that the Dragon will LEAD the nazis. This can only come from a christian, any sane othe person finds the idea repulsive. If you for any reason write nazis in your writings, you must either exterminate them, or conquere them and annihilate them by abolishing their culture. If you just put them under your command untouched, that's supporting the ideology. Finding excuses for them is joining them. Doing so is NOT free speech, it is hatespeech, and that's why the law bans it. This also means the entire right wing of today, the nationalist christian parties violate not just the laws, but the very foundations of civilisation. The system was set up so religion gets out of our system, because it is incompatible with life.

Turns out the entire nazi senchean culture is built on a theocratic dictatorship, where might makes right, which might is based on absolute slavery of mages. And they use the sultans as jew-hunters...  


Chapter 2-3 Book 4
Perrin grew a beard, the party is still in Tear. How much time was spent?

Perrin is attacked by his axe. Is it Rand's magic, even madness, or what?

Matt gained a small fortune by his magical gambling. He is also such an amoroso, he messed with the aiel women.
We learn here Rand banned rape. Very unchristian of him (just read the Bible, ok?). The local nobles of course complaint.
The city expects Rand to conquere Illian by military force.
Suddenly the figurines on the cards come to life (what is this, Sailor Moon?) and attack Matt.
Btw, I have a problem with Matt. He has this dues-ex machina luck-ability. It was referenced as "the luck of the Dark Lord". It was told he at times gets misfortune. When will he meet fuckup? until now, and we are one book deep with his ability, never failed his fortunes. His plot-armor is so thick, any character he developed got hidden under it. So we are back to square one, where we have to ask, why is he in the story again?

Rand gets some "wet dream". He is currently mostly into Elayne, definitely want to break up with Egwenne. the guy wakes up, finds certain Berelain, queen of Mayene in his room (she already was for a visitation here in the last book, before Rand arrived). She wantso fuck Rand. I hope rand is no longer a minor in RJ's book...
Then Rand has to fight his mirror image a'la Prince of Persia. We learn these magick things are NOT his doing. So, realising this will be an ongoing series, RJ started to drop the insanity-plotline here?

This is the second in a row monstrous, 50 pages long chapters, and we are nowhere starting, and it'd be very welcomed if we'd get past on what we already know shall be passed, because we are not illiterate.... I mean we are familiar with Dune, and this is a ripoff of it. Instead we are waiting for the characters to catch up.


Rand - or should I say Paul, Paul Atraides? - has trouble focusing (the mental state to use magick).

Moiraine gets Rand and PErrins story, and says "it was Evil Bubble in the Pattern". Oook. Cheesey, but ok.

On the sidenot, Rand is trying to read through the Dragon Prophecies. Consider it a hobbi, or catching up, or waste of time of the reader, lol. Narratively it fits though, so I'm just plain cruel here.

Also, the aiels still not accepted Rand as their Lord and Saviour. Rand/Paul/Jesus first has to pass their test too. and they are not telling what their prohecies are.  


Chapter 4 Book 4
Thom had for some reason moved to the Fortress instead of staying at the midwife, sick as fuck, old as log, and is back to his old sticks (womanizing, scoundrelling money etc.). Matt goes to HIM telling his Evil Bubble problem. Evil Bubbles are just the worst. He can't even gamble in the town anymore because of 'em!

If anyone was in doubt it is enforced that taverns are like magnets, so the three male "hero" can't separate esily. Or this is just a self-insert of RJ's writing block.  


Chapter 5-7 Book 4
The Scooby Gang keeps interrogating the two captured black ajah. One is silenced.
Wait, WHAT? How did that happened? When? By accident during their capture? I thought, because it was told, such thing is cooperative magic, and such abominatin all learning at the aes sedai must live with the names (and crimes, or more like deads) of all squelched! How is this not a major issue?!?

Let's collect the blacks:
1 - Liandrin
2 - Chesmal
3 - Rianna
4 - Joiya Byir <--- (captured)
5 - Amico Nagoyin <--- (silenced)
6 - Temaile
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 -
I think we never get comprenehsive lists, because there was no pre-planning, there was no list at all.

It is actualy fortunate for this franchise none can read lips.

The blacks give two tales: one is that liandrin wanna free a False Dragon before they reach Tar Valon, the other mumbles something about the city of Tanchico.


Here is an idea: now that Rand is Paul, and goes to fremen-land, will she have a fremen waifu? Just a hunch, but Avienha? And Elayne can be considered the Emperor's daughter - no idea if that character had a thing with Paul, just looking for analouges.

Moiraine's plan to go with the expectation and smoke out the Forsaken in Illian.
She also reports about a tangreal which can answer questions. Ye know what ME find strange about tangreals? That they don't come with a MANUAL.
At least she informs us that the False Dragon is covered (message sent by postal pidgeon), so let's go to Tanchico! I hope this won't end up some racist slur. Sounds suspiciosly spanish.

Egwenne reveals she wants to break up with Rand, Elayne strikes on the revealing possibility.


Rand has some power-strougle with the local Lords. Also frustrated for not being able to read Ancient (hint, hint: Matt?).
Anyway, the Scooby Gang makes a try helping Rand to focus. I don't get why there are no BOOKS about male magic by male maglings, also where are the books about two-gender-magick...
Anyway, turns out they really can't help by telling how female magic works.
ONE aspect I have to tell though, just to be fair. Someone some time asked, what if it is a dominant woman. In Book 2 Ninive was told how to alter the meditation to her nature. So there.

Rand and Egwenne break up, both are relieved. 


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