The Eye of the World chapters 1-10

  Chapter 1
So, because of timey-whimey-stuff the main plot of the series plays in the 3rd Era. That's weird. Question though: so we'll reach Era 0 at some point in time? And how many Era there is if we count backwards?

Why isn't Bela called Bella?

Look, a not-nazguul. Are we in a hurry or something compared to Lord of the Rings?
Btw, why does Rand hold an arrow? I got the bow, but why the arrow? Lame. Someone didn't look up how to handle a bow&arrow, eh, Mr. Jordan? Or did RJ forget to give a reason?

So, the village is governed by a female and a male council. Ok.

Also, the weather is a neverending winter, obviously because of Satan coming.

Hm, both Satan and the Forsaken got bounded by the Creator at the beggining of time? That's a bit weird sentence if you think about it.

More LotR-fanfiction elements: some fireworks will be, and a showman is coming (whatever the word, originaly it was Gandalf).

Hmpf, started to worry, they won't even mention Egwenne here.

- Semirhage
- Lanfear
- Ishamael
- Aginor  


Chapter 2
So, it seems Mat and Rand will be some main characters... Though how all this comes to the Original Prologue - beats me.
Anyway, the guys are ca. 16. That's not bad to start with, depends how fast the time will flow away.

Two other visitor comes to the village - and ravens. The woman hires the guys for some unnamed future work, what is naturaly suspicious. We all know her male escort is yet another LotR fanfic element, originaly Aragorn.
Chapter 3
Ok, so there is some False Dragon wherevere. It mjst be some reincarnation-stuff then. Ah. Or some prophecy.

Ok, so it is confirmed the taint on the men-side of the one powah is, that the male magicians get mad.

That mages fell out of favour in general is again understandable.

Ok, so saying Satan IS a bad idea. Check.

Ah. Perin got a coin too, so that means Rand, Matt and Perin will be who we need to focus on. Check.
Chapter 4
Let me nail this down: namethrowing is NOT worldbuilding. Namethrowing is remark of bad writing, and soon turns into white noise for the reader.

And seriously? The showman is named Merlin? And he has tales of Arthur Pendragon? Lame.

Ok, so the three guy are motivatable to go onto an adventure. Stronger motivation than that in the Hobbit at least.
Chapter 5
Hm. How can the al'Thor farm be so envied properous if only 2 person works on it? It's justa m inor thing, but still.
And this tobacco-business did not age well.
And they seriously not have a nest for the chickens? Chickens don't just lay their eggs wherever they want, humans make nests for them, which works like litterbox for cats.

Again a reminder, that ALL characters are untrastable narrator intentionaly or unintentionaly. But if everything is on so shakey ground, how will we figure out what happened in the Original Prologue?

Oh, look, here are some "orcs".
The action-scene was quit good.

Rand seems quit resourcful, but without anything to compare to, this does not tell much.

Ok, so the "orcs" are not actualy orcs. That's ok,, but something stirrs in me what they are, just quit can't grasp what.
But do not believe when Rand thinks they kill for pleasure. Rand might think that, but it might not be true. Pretty standard tactic to destroy your enemy's resources you know.

So, in all Rand and his father is attacked by a trolloc, Tam gets wounded, they start to go to the local midwife (wisdom).  


Chapter 6
Tam is poisoned, this establishes the army of darkness is dangerous. Not sure why the need of poison, but no actualy complaint.

Ok, so the general description of a trolloc is beast-face with horns. Occasionaly some has bird-like qualities, but skip that. They look more like Shadowrun-trolls (much later franchise) than Tolkien-orcs, and with their names I'll call them trolls from now on. There are a couple of resons for this, one is trolloc is too long, the second the similarity, the third is a grammatical thingy for the translation I'm using (they become trollococ, and that's stupid).

So, Tam once was a soldier. Ok, who cares, but I accept it as worldbuilding.
Ah, now it got cheesey. Rand is some changeling. If this is a LotR-fanfic, than elves, like ya know, in the folk-stories.
Chapter 7
So, the whole village is under attack, as it should be.
But come to think of it, what are the other two doing? Also when will Egwenne come into play?

So Moiraine is a spellcaster (aes sedai). That explains stuff. Though with this attack the plo will obviously move to the road, what means the hiring the kids plotpoint is dropped, what is not a good sign.
Also, there is the question: why is Rand (and the other two) important?  


Chapter 8
So, Rand not just a magical child, but now also has the magical sword. You can't be more cliché. What's he, Prince Charming?
At least the theme how myth is actualy real, but distorted by time is present.

So, to vanquish a not-nazguul, you'd need half a dozen magician. Check. Wait, this gots immediately retconned a couple of pages later? Well, we'll see.
Btw, someone called out their name is derived from Murder All. I find that funny.

The "everyone is christian" line is disturbing. I mean we don't even know if this Satan is that bad, or bad at all. LotR was clear on the topic, even without much detail. The difference is, there was no Unreliable Narrator theme running. The characters being unreliable makes the reader question things.

Ok, so Rand is somehow important. No clue why. I'd appreciate some exposition.

Some questions Rand agreeing to go with an aes sedai. I have no such qualm. One: the aes sedai is a distant legend to him. Two: he freshly got told, not all aes sedai is trouble. Three: he just seen this aes sedai being "good". Four: he is 16, ready for adventure. I totaly believe he'd go for it.  


Chapter 9
Ok, some LotR-element: the BBB and his mountain.

So, the branch will head to Tar Valon, pretty much Hogwarts. And Rand of course keeps the magic sword.

Ah, a witch-hunting mob. How nice. They are put in place by less devoted people.

I hate when people wish for the past's Golden Age. And I lernt to hate the fantasy trop that the Golden Age WAS a Golden Age.

Hm, so using too much magic can literaly burn you up.  


Chapter 10
They start their journey. Took like 200 pages... Amongst them there is the Sword Guy, the Axe Guy, and ... Why Matt does not have a special weapon?
An ok, Egwenne joins up. And Thom, the showman.

"Oh'rdeg", eh? That's hungarian for devil (ördög). I wonder...

Ah, a new, airborn enemy. 


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