The Shadow Rising Chapters 40-50

  Chapter 40-44 Book 4

Perrin keeps killing trolls.
At once the trolls do some clever tactics, so time to get back to the village, where there are defenses now, 13th Warrior-stlye.


For the night Team B finds a caravan of gypsies. Good luck to them getting out of the situation. They still have the pacifist-magic running on 'em, right? #WeDoNotForget
If anyone cares this is the group from Book 1.
Perrin is shot by a nasty arrow by the way.

It is revealed Fail is the daughter of the man-at-arm of the queen of Saldea.
Perrin spills the bean of werewolfing, his doubts related to it...
It's really heartfull.


Perrin goes Dreamland, finds out the local Gate got re-opened.
He again encounters the Dark Hunter (who we also learnt is active in the wake world too).

The village built catapults.


Perrin asks Loial to go and lock the Gate again. the ogre has an idea how to secure the lock, and explains that destroying a Gate for good would be a bad idea anyway, and offers amongst his rambling a possible origin of the Machine Sin: some aes sedai tried to destroy a Gate, and got sucked in during the process.

Perrin gets operated.


The male aiel went with the ogre to close the Gate.

Perrin really grows up in these chapters to be some warlord.

500 troll incoming. Perrin has barely strength to sit on a horse and give orders.
Fail and Perrin grind together, learn to not squabble on every minute thing.
Turns out the sedais enchanted to catapult-stones to do kaboom.
After the win Perrin notes: "if they had been twice as many, they'd reachd the perimeter. It thrice as many, they would have break in to the village". This will be CRUCIAL information later. Crucial to crush your dream this series being any good!  


Chapter 45 Book 4
Remember the scene I said was magnificient, where the gypsy woman saved Perrin? Well, fuck that, the gypsy caravan here just got blasted into smitherines, the survivors lacking options seek refuge in the village. So immersion-breaking, and makes the whole faction PLAIN STUPID, given absolutely zero fuck from RJ to justify their behaviour. A xian might blindly follow its priest as sheep, but here are some responsible people you know, who expect better.

Stuff is taken care of: weapons are forged from tools, arrows and spears are made, they dig out a horn and agree on signs, that kind of things.

The Children come to Emmondsfield, bringing the news the nearest village also got attacked. We are remembered these people are not to be trusted, maybe it was Ordeith. They try to arrest Perrin, but reminded there is a war going on, so they make a pact: they help defending against the trolls, in exchange Perrin goes with them after this is over.  


Chapter 46 Book 4
Egeanin's henchmen attack Team C, mostly because they are dumb. Egeanin intervenes, because she is racist. The girls identify themselves as magelings, despite their hope they did not seving the nazi's arse.

The hunter found the blacks previous location, and the fact they moved out a short while ago.

The nazi learns it is possible (for sme) to learn magic, no need to be born with it.

there is 300 pages left from this volume, and we are reminded, Team C achieved nothing yet. Recognising this doesn't solve the problem!
Same for Ninive not being able to cast magic willingly, and that is dragged since BOOKS!

A Forsaken visits the girls, and through clever semantics they maange to keep their Dreamworld-ring.

It is confirmed that Ishamael is the one finished.  


Chapter 47 Book 4
Siuan Sanche is arrested, silenced, and lead to be executed. the new Throne is Elaide, the red. the procedure was "entirely by the law", meaning things got distorted from their meaning, relying on apathy, fear and short term gains, while technically the letters of the law was followed. That is how conservatives (christians, other religions in other countries) transform democracies to theocratic dictatorships. But I dubt RJ would be liberal. Nah. I think he believes i the "god's chosens golden rule" bullshit.
Of course fight ensues within the Tower, making it obvious this is what min saw at the beginning. ONE SLIGHT PROBLEM here: Min saw a SENCHAN attack, not an aes sedai internal conflict, if you remember the silver leash. I do.

Min with the help of the head of the coks free Siuan and Leane (another victim of circumstances) from the prison.
Gawayne stands before them, as he jonied the ... putsch. Which was set up for Galan, if you remember. This is entirely against Gawyn's character, the two personalities just got swapped - to "Subert Your Expectations" I assume. Entirely The Last Jedi this "twist" is. And this is not the first time, if you remember Matt getting Rand's memories once. Eeeh...

Ok, they are released anyway.
Logain joins the party.  


Chapter 48-50 Book 4
Egwenne is relieved from her punishment.

Matt finaly fucks an aiel.

One of the merchants if probably Lanfear. I dun care which. Will be revealed soon anyway, so why bother guessing?


The party gets to Cold Rocks Hold. There is a complicated ritualistic entrence procedure, and it goes as expected: the shaidos are diminished, Rand is elevated, trouble is brewing.

The invitations are accepted, but for the last chief to arrive is a month away.
Rand knows he needs the aiels, so what else to do but think about how to unite 12 tribes which hate each others, and hole grudge through generations.


Rand gives a bracelet to Aviendha. If anyone cares.

Rand again gets a pervy dream about Elayne, Min and Aviendha. Obviously his three future wives.

Ah, Moghedien the Spider. That phrase tells she is the one in Tanchico.
Come to think of it: all three teem will the face its own Forsaken! That's something to look forward.

Darkllings attack, and is revealed that the shaidos just went away. For the later Rand decides to go to the place of the Gathering, and wait there instead. 


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